Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA–The Chancellor of Surabaya State University (UNESA) expressed his high hopes for students who receive ADIK Papua scholarships. He encouraged the sons and daughters of the Land of Cendrawasih to take advantage of this learning opportunity to develop themselves so that one day they could lead the progress of their region.
This was conveyed by the chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., officially closing the National Defense and National Insight Training (PBN-WK) event for ADIK Papua students at the Student Center, UNESA Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya on December 7 2022. The event took place since December 4 2022.
Cak Hasan said, not all students have the opportunity like those students got. The scholarship, he continued, is the government's way of preparing the Indonesian generation so that later they can become successors and bring this nation to become the center of world civilization.
"From all aspects we have advantages, natural resources are abundant and the wealth of our nation from a cultural perspective, for example, is also diverse. To manage this wealth requires qualified Indonesian human resources. So, these younger siblings will later become the captains of change in their respective regions," he said motivating.
He encouraged ADIK Papua students from various East Java campuses to really take advantage of this learning opportunity. “Make more study and discussion with friends in class and organization. Including the lecturers. Make them study friends and discuss anything. There are lecturers in this field and that field. All that remains is to be empowered to add value to self-development," he said.
Cak Hasan appreciated the escape. According to him, this could be a forum for participants to share experiences and knowledge. This is able to increase understanding of the importance of harmony and togetherness for the participants. At the same time, self-awareness to always respect each other for differences will also grow.

"The existence of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is a joint determination in order to develop superior, one and harmonious characters," he hoped. Cak Hasan has high hopes for the participants to increase their feelings of love for the nation and their own country after attending this training.

He also encouraged the participants, after the activity, to keep in touch by exchanging news. Cak Hasan advised the participants to continue to communicate, coordinate and provide information because they are the future leaders in this nation. “These brothers are amazing. Cool spirit. I'm sure these younger siblings will become the leaders of this nation in the future," he said. The event ended with the distribution of gifts to participants by Cak Hasan. The prize system is that participants who successfully answer questions can get the reward. [UNESA PR]
Author: Nur Laily Hidayati
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Documentation
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