Unesa.ac.id., Surabaya ) welcomed the visit of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) News Indonesia in room 801, 8th floor Rectorate, Campus 2 Unesa Tongue Wetan Surabaya, on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.
Welcoming the visit, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko , Deputy Chancellor for Unesa IV said that this meeting was important for Unesa in order to strengthen collaboration. UNESA, he continued, will not be able to stand majestically without collaboration.
This BBC visit is expected to bring benefits, especially for improving the quality and branding of campus 'one step ahead.'
Professor Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK) That said, this assessment of this cooperation is important to develop opportunities for cooperation that can involve all study programs which is in Unesa.
jerome eugene wirawan, service editor BBC News Indonesia, said its arrival intended to strengthen the network. During this time, in his eyes the national media has always been Jakarta-centric both from the topic that is carried or with the resource person, including the BBC. . It wants Unesa to be willing to work together regarding the experts needed for example in the fields of art, culture, and the environment.
"For example in the field of regionalism in East Java, it is not possible for us So we take experts from Unesa. This is one of our ways to erode Jakarta-centric, "said Jerome. , to practitioners or guest lecturers. " src = "/images/foto-13-02-2025-02-38-19-9595.png" style = "height: 533px; width: 800px"/>
Jerome is optimistic, cooperation between BBC News Indonesia with Unesa can be done. Expressing speakers especially in terms of culture, language, technology, and disability. >
First, the delivery of internships in BBC in various fields is not only journalism. Regarding the internship required link and match first. "I hope that from this introduction there will be a technical follow -up so that the benefits will soon be felt between the two parties," he said. [*]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS )
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Unesa Public Relations Team
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