Yuniar Bestiana S.Pd. a graduate from the Bachelors Degree program in English Education managed to become a graduate. 80th best graduation ceremony tomorrow June 21 2014. With the title thesis Using Modified Game Jeopardy and Hop-Scotch to Improve the Vocabulary Mastery of Seventh Graders in SMP Negeri 1 Bondowoso the graduate who was born in Bondowoso on June 19 1992 managed to get a GPA of 3.87 from a maximum GPA scale of 4.0 and is entitled to cum laude predicate. For these achievements he was surprised. The announcement was a surprise to me and could be a motivation for me to do better than before said the white student. During his time as a student he actively organized by becoming the Secretary of the English Language Student Association and contributing to the Debate Division at the English Language Department. The student who got the title of best graduate of the Language and Arts Faculty (FBS) wanted to share tips on success. According to him the key to success is diligent study and sincerity over all obstacles. As much as possible active in class and then do the work may not be careless. "Just be sincere do it be enjoyed as much as possible" said the 22-year-old student. Although he was hampered by administrative obstacles when he wanted to do the 79th Graduation last March he admitted that he was sad and at the same time happy because behind the sadness he was able to attend the Asia Creative Writing Conference. Actually I was able to graduate in March. But delayed because of late administration. Because of that a few months ago assisted by a supervisor I had the opportunity to make a journal presentation at the Asia Creative Writing Conference. Lots of experience from there. So everything has a silver lining even if it has to be like a roller coaster he continued in a cheerful tone. This student from Bondowoso admitted that her success was inseparable from the support of parents friends and supervisors in achieving success as the best graduates. For his beloved alma mater especially FBS Unesa he hopes that he will progress in both the development and service of his students. (Annisa Ilma / Yusuf Nur Rohman / Wahyu / Byu)