Ministry of the Environment BEM UNESA in the movement to plant mangroves and clean up the Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism area, Surabaya.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Environmental issues are of concern to the world community. Therefore, there needs to be concrete steps taken to increase environmental awareness. This is what the Ministry of Environment, Student Executive Board (BEM) of Surabaya State University did on Saturday, November 16 2024.
They held an environmental awareness movement by planting mangroves and cleaning the Wonorejo Mangrove Ecotourism area, Rungkut, Surabaya.
The UNESA Environmental Action (UEA) #2 program carries the theme "Caring for Nature, Caring for Life, Inheriting the Future."
Fadhil, the chief executive, said that this activity is a BEM program UNESA through the Ministry of Environment is designed to ground the environmental care movement in society, especially among students and the younger generation.
"The grounding of the environmental care movement must be carried out with real actions that have a direct impact on the environment. Environmental problems are an issue of awareness that needs to be built through movements like this," he said.
He added, This activity is also intended to encourage community participation and young people to care more about and contribute to caring for and preserving the environment.
The President of BEM UNESA, Sutrisno, said that this activity in collaboration with the Trash Control Community (TCC) involved young people and the surrounding community.
"This movement is a form of BEM UNESA's commitment to creating a clean, beautiful and healthy environment as an important investment for the future. This is also part of realizing sustainable development goals or SDGs," he said.
Ziadatur Risqiyah, Chair of the Trash Control Community emphasized the importance of this activity being carried out sustainably in the future. "The hope is that this action will not just stop on one occasion, but will become a sustainable movement," he said.[*]
Manuscript: processed from various sources
Photo: UNESA BEM Ministry of Environment team
Editor: @zam*
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