unesa.ac.ac.id. SURABAYA —Tren internet -based digital consumption has increased during the fasting month. Various studies show this phenomenon. Populix survey last year, for example, reported that internet-based service consumption rose 40 percent in Ramadan in 2024. (FISIPOL) , University Surabaya (UNESA) explains, when fasting, the use of the internet and social media tends to increase, because people spend more time in the room. Time, "he explained.
According to him, this habit can have a positive and negative impact at once, depending on the type of content consumed. Social media such as supplements for the brain, can also be toxic to mental. Access to shallow and excessive content is also at risk of causing brain rot or "brain decay."
For that, consumption of information and access to social media needs to be managed properly and wisely, so as not to have an impact on mental health. The woman who is familiarly called Putri suggested to avoid two types of content.
First, waste content, contains information that has no benefits or use value, such as celebrity gossip and clickbait content. "Scrolling this type of content continues, the effect may not be felt in the short term, but in the long run it can spend time and form a mindset," he explained.
Second, toxic content, which contains violence, pornography, or provocative issues that trigger anxiety and negative emotions. This kind of content can damage our mental health directly.
In order not to stress during fasting due to excessive social media consumption or exposure to certain content, there are some tips that can be done as follows:
Reporter: Zakariya Putra Soekarno (Fisipol)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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