Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—UPT Libraries, Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to develop its digital library collections, one of which is 'Ebook 1 Unesa Library'. Launched in early 2022, this application can now be accessed via smartphone and PC or laptop.
The 'Ebook 1 Unesa Library' application has more than 4,000 electronic book titles in Indonesian and from This target will increase the collection of foreign language books. This application is here to make student learning activities easier. Through this application, electronic books can be accessed easily, at any time without having to come to the library physically.
Apart from that, the 'Ebook 1 Unesa Library' application has many features that users can take advantage of, namely they can be accessed via the desktop so it is easy toinstall, consisting of various kinds of books, diktats, and other reading needs for users provided in digital form.
Also, a complete report is available regarding users who access the 'Ebook 1 Unesa Library' application. In this application, users will be given a member account that can be used to read. Mutty Hariyati, S.Sos., M.IP., Young Expert Librarian at the UNESA Library UPT said that the leadership of the Library UPT is committed to continuing to increase the collection of books and readings.
"With the Unesa E book 1, it is hoped that the materials "reading for student literature will become more diverse, can support the student learning process, lecturer teaching process and become reference material for the scientific research needs of the academic community within UNESA," he said at UNESA, Monday.
As for how to access or use Unesa Library Ebook 1 application:
- Access via Smartphone can be done in 7 steps:
- Prepare a photo file of your KTP/KTM/SIM and a color passport photo file in your smartphone gallery.
- Prepare your Unesa email address and don't forget the password/keyword (other emails will be rejected because the Membership Registration Validator Team must guarantee that the user is a Unesa resident)
- Download and install the application: (1) open the Android Play Store, type search Ebook 1 Unesa Library, (2) click Install to start downloading the application, (3) click open to start the application
- Register/Sign Up: (1) click the SIGN UP button, (2) fill in the data correctly then click the registration button,
- Activate your Unesa Email: (1) open the inbox, (2) open the mail from masarie@kubukumail.com, (3) click ACTIVATE.
- Membership activation by the Central Library Officer: (1) the validation officer will receive notification via email if there are new membership applicants who have been activated via Unesa email; (2) the officer clicks ACTIVATE, (3) A notification email will be sent to your Unesa email.
- Using Ebooks: (1) Open Ebook Account 1 Unesa Library, (2) Login using the email address and password specified you have created during membership registration, (3) Close the Welcome sheet and the front screen will appear, (4) Select a book, (4) Read/borrow immediately (borrowed books will move to your Bookshelf menu).
- Access via your laptop/PC can be done using 4 steps as follows:
- Download the Windows version of the application via the following page https://kubuku.id/download/ebook-1-unesa-library
- Install the Application< /li>
- Login with the same User and Password used on the Smartphone .
- Enjoy ebook by reading or borrowing. [*]
Author: Erza Angelia Putri
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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