SURABAYA—Lecturers from Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) publish a Diversity and Inclusion booklet, a collection of worksheets tailored to enrich the teaching and learning experiences of Indonesian secondary school English language teachers and students.
The project, spearheaded by Andrzej Cirocki (University of York, UK; Adjunct Professor at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia) and Pratiwi Retnaningdyah (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia), was conducted during the 2023/2024 academic year.
“This publication is designed not only to support teachers in fostering a deeper understanding of diversity and inclusion, but also to actively engage learners in celebrating a world where differences are valued and respected,” Andrzej Cirocki said.
The booklet is packed with ready-made worksheets that can be seamlessly integrated into the teaching-learning process, focusing on enhancing reading and speaking skills while addressing crucial topics such as cultural awareness, gender equality, and social justice.
By incorporating these resources into their classrooms, English language teachers can create more inclusive and equitable learning environments, empowering students to become more empathetic, informed, and globally-minded individuals.
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The resulting Diversity and Inclusion booklet has been disseminated to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology and the Indonesian Extensive Reading Association to facilitate its distribution across schools nationwide. The materials within the booklet were meticulously developed, ensuring pedagogical rigour and relevance.
Contributors include Silvy Chintia Adelia, Zainul Aminin, Lisetyo Ariyanti, Nur Chakim, Adam Damanhuri, Ephrilia Noor Fitriana, Lina Purwaning Hartanti, Uci Elly Kholidah, Kenya Permata Kusumadewi, Dwi Nur Cahyani Sri K., Ayunita Leliana, Ahmad Munir, Cicilia Deandra Maya P., Rizki Ramadhan, Abdur Rosyid, Wiwiet Eva Savitri, Sumarniningsih, Arik Susanti, and Widyastuti.
Additionally, the graphic design, which enhances the accessibility and visual appeal of the booklet, was crafted by Hreesang Satria Bagaskara, Fatihul Ichsan Kurniapraja, and Nirmala Dewi Shakti Aji, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the resource.[]
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