Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-A total of 30 D-IV Catering 2019 students, the Vocational Program at the State University of Surabaya participated in the 2021 Catering Cipta Karya Degree on Saturday, July 17, 2021. This virtual show premiered at 19.00 WIB on the D4 Culinary Unesa youtube channel. This time the theme is "Healthy Food For Pandemic: Be Healthy, Be Safety with Safety Food During Covid 19 Pandemic".
For the implementation of this activity, Dr. Martadi, M.Sn., Director of the Unesa Vocational Program really appreciates the work of students. According to him, activities that are usually carried out in person must be carried out virtually since the COVID-19 pandemic.
"This activity certainly has its own challenges as well as its own charm so that it can inspire other students to continue to show their creativity during the pandemic. Congratulations and success!" he said.
The Chief Executive, Mohammad Afriyan Anggadiotama revealed that this activity was held as a final project for the Boga Cipta Karya course which is routinely held every year. The activity was attended by 30 students of D-IV Catering class 2019 which were divided into six groups. In accordance with the theme, each group makes various kinds of healthy preparations from local ingredients.
"Such as fruits, vegetables, tubers, spices, nuts, and animal protein. All of these ingredients are processed into various dishes ranging from Appetizer, Entree, Maincourse, Dessert to Preservative Food," he explained.
Afriyan said that the processing of local ingredients is of course in accordance with the procedure by considering the nutritional value and presented with due regard to aesthetic values.
Other support came from the Head of the Unesa Catering D-IV Study Program, Dr. Ani Sutiadiningsih, M.Si. He hopes that by holding this activity, it can improve the mental strength and soft skills of students which will be needed in the world of work. According to him, 90% of the world of work requires soft skills and the rest is hard skills.
Meanwhile, at the end of the event, awards were presented to students in six categories. Namely, the winner of the Appetizer (appetizer) was won by Salfa Mei Dianawati, and the Entree category (meal) was won by Ifa Krismoning Tyas. Then Mohammad Afriyan Anggadioatama won the main food category (Maincourse), Alfian Wahyu Pebriansah won the dessert category, and Muhammad Basyaruddin won the Preservative Food category. The Display category was achieved by a group of six who have displayed processed works made from animal protein. By paying attention to this aesthetic value, the five of them became winners. (meds)
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