unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA � SURABAYA STATE UNIVERSITY (UNESA) Through the Directorate of Prevention and Management of Strategic Issues (PPIS) again presents the 'Ngabuburit Boreng PPIS' program that discusses the latest issues in Islamic perspectives.
href = "// youtube.com/@unesaofficial">Youtube Official Unesa aims to increase awareness and piety to Allah SWT. In the first episode, Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 'Ngabuburit with PPIS' carries the theme 'FIKIH Falling in Love.'
The theme was discussed directly by the Professor of Islamic Sciences in the field of makeup, Mutimmatul Faidah. According to him, love is often considered the biggest temptation but love in Islam is not negative but an extraordinary gift. True love is not only about feelings, but love that brings someone closer to Allah SWT.
In general, love is a gift, love is also a basic human instinct brought from birth. Love is a gift while walking in the corridor that is recommended by religion. For example, the love of parents for his children, children to their parents, husband or wife to his family, religious people to the Prophet, Apostles, and his Lord.
The problem is, love often tarnished lust. According to the Lecturer of the Faculty of Engineering (FT), Blind and filled with lust is not love, but worldly lust itself, so that what appears is no longer affection, but feelings of wanting to master, and meet the urge of lust. will not harm each other, instead respect each other and elevate the degree. The nature of love does not tarnish each other as prescribed by religion. The expression of love that is required between men and women is tied in the form of marriage.
What is the actualization of love recommended in Islam? Forms of love include attention, sacrifice, appreciation, and support. If the love of the form of lust must limit ourselves.
"We as women or men, for example, must have the principle and dare to say, don't touch me because my body is my honor," he explained. Other parties to connect, ask for photos or indecent videos for example, and that can be the entrance to threats, extortion, and others. That is not love, but lust, "he stressed. �Loving Indonesia in joy and sorrow.� [*]
Reporter: Dava Yessy Marshela (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Documentation: Unesa Public Relations Team
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