Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA— In order to strengthen aspects of education, research and publications, the Education Management Study Program (MP), Faculty of Education (FIP), Surabaya State University (UNESA) brought in an education expert from Australia, Assoc. Prof Tony Loughland, Ph.D, on Tuesday, 24 October 2023.
The activity which took place in Room 801 of the Rectorate, Lidah Wetan Campus was part of a series of the Independent Campus Competition Program (PKKM) of the UNESA Education Management study program. Coordinator of the Education Management Study Program, Syunu Trihantoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that this was the first visiting professor carried out by Education Management.
This activity, he continued, consisted of several series such as teaching collaboration with the topics "Strategic Management on Educational Institutions" and "Leadership in Education".
He hopes that with this agenda, lecturers and students can improve their abilities in research and publication in the field of education. "This activity focuses on training and coaching clinics regarding research and publications. "This is important to create multiple effects in the future, especially cooperation in the field of education management," he said.
In front of lecturers from FIP, Prof. Tony Loughland explained that to improve university rankings, good publications and effective. He also said that as a researcher you must have the ability or method to find a research topic in 1 minute and summarize a sentence in 3 minutes.
Published research requires a division of tasks of 40% workload, 40% teaching , and 20% research. He suggested making a publication immediately. Don't waste time on publications that are less credible.
Publications, he continued, cannot be separated from citations which are often part of assessments by many ranking agencies in the world such as QS Rankings, Times Higher Education (THE) Rankings, and others -another that is very valuable for universities and that is based on good publications in Q1 journals which are the top 25% of journals.
The professor from the University of New South Wales, Australia continued, to create research, it is recommended to choose research that is in line with teaching interests. Then, you have to choose the right journal to find popular topics that can be used as references. Lecturers must also be active in discussion sessions with colleagues and supervisors so that the research and publication process can be more efficient.
"Research is not easy. However, lecturers must carry out research as a habit. They must practice often. "Start thinking about goals so that you can benefit the research program, because the more you do research, the more you will become an expert in your field," he said closing the presentation.
With this visiting professor, it is hoped that Unesa lecturers, especially Faculty lecturers Educational Sciences can become increasingly expert and superior in their respective fields, and be productive in conducting quality research and producing publications in reputable journals. []
Author: Rafa Afifa/Fadina
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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