Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA�First wave of golden ticket registration at State University of Surabaya ( UNESA) was invaded by fighters entering higher education. Based on data submitted to the Subdirectorate of Student Admissions and Graduation, a total of 911 participants registered for the gold route for the 'Home of Champions' campus.
"This golden ticket is to provide an opportunity for regional men and women who have achievements in "national and international levels. This pathway is the first at UNESA and the interest is extraordinary. The first batch was almost a thousand applicants," said Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd., Head of Sub-Directorate for UNESA Student Admissions and Graduation.
The lecturer who is homebase at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) continued that the participants who had registered for the wave first went through the administrative selection process by the admissions team together with the UNESA expert team on March 1-4 2024.
Based on the selection results announced on Wednesday, March 6 2024, out of 911 applicants, there were 417 participants who were declared to have passed the selection administration. Those who enter the selection will go through an interview selection stage which will be held next week, precisely on March 13-14 2024.
Sukarmin said that participants who have registered and have not been successful should not stop trying. Because, there are still many ways to become a student at the 'Home of Champions' campus. There is a selection route based on tests or SNBT and there is the SPMB or independent route with various sub-path offerings in it.
Also, participants who have not had the opportunity to register for the golden ticket route in the first wave, can register in the second wave which has already been open from 1-31 March 2024. Similar to the previous wave, this second wave of applicants will also go through the administrative selection and interview stages.
Registration can be done via the link, https://forms.gle/SarrAn2vBdhMei8C6 with the following conditions:
- Applicants are class XII students in the 2023/2024 academic year.
- < li>Have a champion certificate or minimum achievement at national level.
- Committed and willing to develop the achievements you have 'in college'.
The registration stages are as follows: (1 ) Opens the page https://forms.gle/SarrAn2vBdhMei8C6. (2) Fill in data such as name, NISN and school. (3) Choose the study program you are interested in. (4) Fill in the achievement list and upload the achievement certificate. Maximum of three best achievements at minimum national level. (5), check the data filled in again, then click 'send'.[]
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