Unesa. ac.id, SURABAYA–Surabaya State University continues to collaborate in developing and advancing Indonesian education. This time, UNESA through the UPT Language Center collaborated with SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Tamanpanjang Sidoarjo (SMAMITA). The signing of the collaboration was carried out on Thursday, October 22, 2021 on the 8th floor of the UNESA Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus.
This event was attended by Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd. as Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Drs. Suwarno Imam Samsul, M.Pd., as the Head of the UNESA Pusba and his staff. Meanwhile, from SMAMITA, Drs. Zainal Arif Fakhrudi, M.M., Principal of SMAMITA and his staff.
In his remarks, the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation explained that student achievement can be a measure of how much excellence an educational institution has. By improving the services, facilities and quality provided to students, they can spur their achievement. "English is the window to the world, if students are fluent in English, it's a tremendous opportunity and we will improve the language skills of schools through this collaboration," he explained.
The collaboration between the UPT Language Center and SMAMITA includes English language training for teachers, students, staff and other school staff as an effort to internationalize schools. The goal is to improve the quality of schools as well as teachers and students in the field of foreign languages. In the future, UNESA also fully supports training and mentoring for SMAMITA to expand interest in other foreign languages. UNESA itself has several foreign language departments such as Mandarin, German, Japanese and English.
Zainal Arif revealed that teachers must be visionary and adaptive to various changes and demands in order to be able to produce quality students. "I hope there is an increase in quality through this collaboration and hopefully we can both provide the best for students and the community," he hoped. (Hasna/zam*)
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