Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Unesa Postgraduate Program held a Language Families Guest Lecture, (10/11). The fourth guest lecture with the theme "Globalization of Language and Literature in Research and Teaching Perspectives" was conducted by the Masters and Doctoral Study Programs of Indonesian Language and Literature Education. This event presented the Lecturer of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Korea, Prof. Dr. Lim Kim Hui, and Lecturer at Surakarta State Institute of Islamic Religion, Prof. Dr. Teguh Budiarso, M.Pd.
Head of the Master Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Dr. Tengsoe Tjahjono, M.Pd., hopes that there will be ideas generated from the activity carried out today. "Hopefully from the two speakers, we can get enlightenment and progress in thinking for our future steps," said Tengsoe.
In line with Tengsoe, Deputy Director I of Postgraduate Program, Prof. Wasis, M.Si, also expressed his hope that this event can spark and inspire creative ideas that can accelerate the master and doctoral studies, especially in the Language and Literature Education Department. In addition, Wasis also hopes that there will be a follow-up to this activity in the form of cooperation in improving human resources.
In accordance with the theme, Lim Kim Hui— in his discussion—focused on the Globalization of Language and Literature in South Korea. He explained about globalization of English which would later lead to Malay and Indonesian, especially in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. According to Lim, mastery of English in South Korea is very important, especially in the fields of education, work and also work performance.
"Students who graduate and look for work must pass the TOEIC test,” he said.
Meanwhile, based on economic and political interests related to ASEAN, South Korea is trying to build a Malay-Indonesian Language department. "Because Indonesia is the largest country that has rich native sources, Indonesian language is our main attention," said Lim.
Unlike Lim, Teguh focused more on explaining Scopus. In his presentation, Teguh explained several summaries related to reviews of original papers and review papers. Teguh also touched on a little about Indonesian for Foreign Speakers teaching which should refer to international teaching. Based on the results of the review conducted, many obstacles were faced to make Indonesian Language a global language. Therefore, through this activity, it is hoped that there will be ideas that can be used to solve these obstacles. (ay)
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