Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA�Registration for Achievement-Based National Selection (SNBP) opens today, Wednesday, February 14 2024. Before When registering, there are many things that participants need to pay attention to, including the registration conditions. That is what was emphasized in the UNESA Virtual Campus Expo (UVCE) at the Rectorate, Campus II Lidah Wetan, on Tuesday, 13 February 2024.
In this UVCE, regarding the provisions for accepting new students for each entry route, registration requirements , tips for choosing a study program, various study programs and faculties at UNESA, as well as the advantages of UNESA conveyed by the speakers; Vice Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., and Academic Director, Prof. Dr. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes.
Apart from that, also present was the Head of the UNESA Student Admissions and Graduation Sub-Directorate, Dr. Sukarmin, M.Pd. He explained that there are differences in the SNBP provisions this year and before. The differences in question are as follows:
First, account. This year's provisions are that participants must have created an account to be used for two selections at once, namely SNBP and SNBT. Account creation closes on February 15 2024. So, fighters entering college must create an account as soon as possible.
Second, sanctions. Last year, when participants passed the SNBP and then did not take it, the sanctions only stopped at SNBT. This year's provisions, for participants who are declared to have passed the SNBP and then do not do so, will be subject to sanctions of not being able to take part in UTBK-SNBT and not being able to take the Independent route at any university in Indonesia.
Apart from that, these sanctions are also valid for the next two years. In other words, participants who have been declared to have passed then do not use that opportunity, so they cannot take part in the SNBP-SNBT selection or independent pathway at other universities in Indonesia for the next two years.
With the weight of this witness , it is hoped that participants can choose a study program that they are really interested in, so that there is no regret or desire to change study programs, because there are already heavy sanctions. Regarding the provisions for choosing a study program, Sukarmin emphasized that there is no difference from before, participants are free to choose which study program they want.
In other words, there are no restrictions on the study program chosen in higher education whether it is in accordance with their major at the time. High school or not. However, emphasized Sukarmin, although they are given the freedom to choose study programs, what needs to be taken into account is that participants must measure their own abilities and choose study programs that suit those abilities.
For example, when he was in high school, A was majoring in Social Sciences, when he entered college high choose the Chemistry study program. Because the intersection of majors or study programs is so far away, it is feared that A will need an adaptation process that will not be easy and will be a challenge when studying at college.
"Participants need to remember carefully that don't just think about being able to go to college in any study program, "But think about how the process will be and how it will come out later. You can go in, but you can't get out, it will be a hassle later," said the lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). Sukarmin suggests choosing a study program that is tailored to the participants' abilities, to facilitate the adaptation process during study.[]
Reporter: Farhan Bachtiar
Editor : @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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