Surabaya - The 2014 Surabaya State University (Unesa) Financial Report won an "Unqualified" (WTP) opinion. This is the first achievement for Unesa in obtaining this opinion. Previously, Unesa was always fair with exceptions or even had a disclaimer. This opinion was issued by the Public Accounting Firm Hendrawinata Eddy Siddharta & Tanzil. Responding to this, the Vice Rector II for General Administration, Human Resources, Assets and Finance of Unesa, Drs. Tri Wrahatnolo, M.Pd., M.T., Monday (3/8/2015) said, this shows that financial management at Unesa adheres to principles and complies with established rules and standards so that there is no misuse of money and there is no potential for corruption in Unesa environment. "But what is important is financial management that is getting better in line with the increasing performance of Unesa institutions in the academic field. For example, so that the accreditation of higher education institutions (AIPT) Unesa 'A', and the research performance and achievements of the Unesa academic community both lecturers and students continue to increase, " he said. Based on an evaluation of the financial statements, Tri showed positive things from Unesa's finances, namely sufficient liquidity for monthly operations. Another thing, the total income was not shaken because Unesa was able to attract the increased BOPTN as promised by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education due to Unesa's increased performance. "As a result, the figure for revenue sourced from the government or pure rupiah will certainly increase significantly," he continued. For that, according to Tri, there are several efforts that need to be improved in the years to come. For example, efforts to increase income in the form of grants from third parties which have quite a large potential, either in the form of cooperation or otherwise. In addition, other efforts that can be made are efforts to increase income from other operations such as from business ventures, utilization of assets and sales of research products. "In 2015 the Unesa Polyclinic should have been realized which is now called the Unesa Medical Center (UMC), then there is the Unipress, Language Center, Unesa Water, Food Court, SSC, and Swimming Pool," he explained. Since the beginning Unesa was established as a tertiary institution with the financial management of the Public Service Agency (PK BLU) in 2009, as an implementation, Unesa's financial reports must be audited by an independent external auditor. The first time it was audited, the opinion given was reasonable with exceptions, then the following year Unesa continued to improve the financial management system and mechanism so that Unesa received a WTP opinion until this year. Because the financial management of the BLU must follow the regulations imposed by the Ministry of Finance while academic management follows the regulations of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, the strategy implemented by the Chancellor of Unesa and his staff is to align the two umbrella regulations. At present, Unesa has been preparing to become a state university with a legal entity (PTN BH). This of course will ultimately impact financial management. This is a challenge for Unesa, especially for Unesa's financial managers and their staff to maintain the WTP opinion in future financial reports. Therefore, Tri Wrahatnolo hopes that the ability to implement financial management at PTN BLU Unesa which has been implemented will be a strength in implementing PTN BH's financial management because it is used to applying the principles of transparency and accountability. "What is certain, PTN BH's financial management flexibility will be even greater because of the flexibility in obtaining funding, investment flexibility and flexibility in managing expenditures with PSAK accounting standards (Statements of Financial Accounting Standards). It is hoped that with this flexibility financial managers must still be responsible, transparent and accountable and the most important thing is to support academic autonomy," he concluded. (Tri/SR/Humas)
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