The Chancellor of UNESA garlanded the professors appointed in the second batch of 2024.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) has added 11 new professors or professors in a number of scientific fields. They were inaugurated at the UNESA Sawunggaling Performance Building (GPS), Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Tuesday, November 12 2024.
This inauguration felt special, apart from being attended by many participants from family and relatives, but also three senior rectors, namely, Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir (rector for the 1997-2001 period), Prof. Haris Supratno (rector for the 2001-2010 period), and Prof. Muchlas Samani (rector for the 2010-2014 period).
UNESA Chancellor, Prof. Nurhasan or who is familiarly called Cak Hasan said that the title of professor is not only seen as a personal academic achievement, but also as an achievement and pride for the institution.
Professor, he continued, has at least three meanings. First, recognition of intellectual leadership. Second, inspiration and example. Professors are teachers, researchers, as well as role models for the community, students and colleagues.
Third, professors are locomotives of innovation and transformation. They are producers of higher education knowledge and innovation. Professors are like lamps that illuminate the academic environment on the 'Home of Champions' campus.
Cak Hasan hopes that the inaugurated professors can strengthen the teaching, research and service ecosystem, which will ultimately become a strength in realizing UNESA PTN-BH which is superior and has an international reputation.

Chancellor Cak Hasan emphasized that the addition of professors must have an impact on improving the quality of implementation of the tridharma of higher education at UNESA.
The Chancellor invites professors, lecturers , and the UNESA community to color forums and conferences at the international level, and produce quality works, innovations and publications.
"Professors must be ambassadors of science, innovation and role models who can make UNESA proud and color the intellectual stage and science at the world level. Professors must push UNESA PTN-BH towards becoming a world class university," he said.
The inauguration of these 11 professors is not the last for this year. Because, said Cak Hasan, there are a number of worthy lecturers who have applied for professorships. "There are around 20 more people who are waiting for the announcement. If the decree is issued, it will be confirmed as soon as possible this year," he said.
The professors who were inaugurated came from various faculties, the Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK ), Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Faculty of Engineering (FT).
Next, from the Vocational Faculty (FV), and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol). Those confirmed in the second batch of 2024 are as follows:
- Prof. Advendi Kristiyandaru (FIKK), was inaugurated as a professor of physical education management who delivered a scientific speech on "Optimizing the Management of Physical Education Implementation Oriented to Achieve Golden Indonesia 2045."
- Prof. Andi Kristanto (FIP), was confirmed as a professor of online learning models, who delivered a scientific speech on "Online Learning by Design Era Smart Society 5.0."
- Prof. Anik Juwariyah (FBS), was appointed as a professor in the field of dance sociology, who gave a speech on "The Long Journey of Accompanying Langen Tayub Art as a Cultural Product of Agrarian Society."
Eleven inaugurated professors pose with the leadership and senior rectors of UNESA. Prof. Djuli Djatiprambudi (FBS), confirmed as professor of fine arts, delivered a speech on "The Visual Age and New Directions for Contemporary Fine Arts Studies."
Prof. Eko Hariyono (FMIPA), confirmed as a professor of vocational education innovation focused on geoscience education, delivered a speech on "Geoscience Education Innovation in Creating a Sustainable Society."
- Prof. Nanik Indahwati (FIKK), confirmed as a professor of motor learning, delivered a speech on "The Use of Devices in Children and Its Effect on Motor Development and Mental Health."
- Prof. Nurhayati (FT) was inaugurated as a professor in the field of antennas and propagation, delivering a scientific speech on "Increasing Gain and Bandwidth and Notched Band Frequency of Vivaldi Coplanar Antennas and Their Applications."
Prof. Ratna Suhartini (FV), was confirmed as a professor in the educational field of teaching factory fashion design, who gave a scientific speech on "Improving Teaching Factory Performance through Work Culture."
< /li>Prof. Rindawati (Fisipol), confirmed as a professor of social anthropology, gave a speech on “Semanggi and the Collective Identity of the People of Surabaya City from a Local Wisdom Perspective.
Prof. Soeryanto (FT), was confirmed as a professor of mechanical engineering vocational education technology, who delivered a scientific speech on "Cultivating Technology-Based Learning in Future Vocational Education in the Gen-Z Era."
Prof. Wisanti (FMIPA), was confirmed as a professor in the field of biology learning resources for higher level thinking, who gave a speech on "The Importance of Selecting Innovative Learning Resources to Train 21st Century Skills."[*]
Reporters: Dewanda Puspita (Internship), M. Ja'far Sodiq (FIP), and Prismacintya (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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