Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya- State University of Surabaya held National Student Band Festival 2020 to celebrate 56th Dies Natalis Unesa which is held on November 18th – 23rd 2020. This competition is held in virtual through youtube and zoom meeting conference application.
The event was attended by 69 brand group from many cities. They are from Denpasar, Bojonegoro, Banyuwangi, Surabaya, Jombang, Tegal, Malang, and the others.
The assessment was conducted by three judges, namely Harpang Subuh from Unesa, Pengedo Ludwiki Perdhana (Composer, Arranger & Music Director), and Karel William (Professional Musician).
The Judges assessment criteria was seen from 3 aspects, those are instrument playing techniques ( assessment weight 40%) , then arrangement (assessment weight 50%) and the last creativity video display (weight rating 10%).
The winners were 5 categories: 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place, Favorite Champion, and Best Player (Guitar, Keyboard, Drums, Bass, Vocals). For 1st place was won by Chopstick Band from Yogyakarta, 2nd place was won by Incidental Project from Yogyakarta, and 3rd place was won by New Flash Band from Semarang.
For Favorite Band Champion won by Pawn Band from Surabaya. For Best Player was won by Somethinx Band from Bojonegoro in the best vocal and guitarist category, Chopstick Band from Yogyakarta in the best keyboard and bassist category, and Go Tunes Band from Tangerang in the best drummer category. (Aida)
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