Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The Postgraduate Program at the State University of Surabaya held a National Webinar entitled "Building the Young Generation with 'Value Sport' to Welcome the 2045 Golden Generation". This webinar was held through the Zoom Meeting application and was attended by more than 300 participants from undergraduate students of the Faculty of Sports Science, Masters students and Doctoral students of Sports Science Postgraduate Program, Lecturers of the Faculty of Sports Science UNESA, UNP Kediri, University of West Sulawesi, Lubuk Linggau, University of Tangerang. , University of West Kalimantan, as well as students of PJOK State University of Malang. There were even participants from the Philippines.
According to Drs. Fatkhur Rohman Kafrawi, M.Pd, as the chief executive, this webinar is one of the agenda for the Postgraduate Program in Sports Science to commit and contribute to the development of national sports development.
Prof. Toho Cholik Mutohir, Ph.D, a resource person in this webinar, stated that sports development begins with improving character first. Character education is very essential in the life of the nation and state, character education developed will produce graduates as future leaders of the nation with character and this will be the capital as the nation's next generation. Schools and campuses that develop character education act as the "steering wheel" that produces students and students who have an identity. According to Prof. Toho, as an athlete or someone who is engaged in the world of sports, good character is also needed, therefore they need to understand first about the philosophy of sport. As humans, one of our main tasks is to build a better life. “In essence, in human life you are required to be wise, therefore a decision maker in sports must understand the ethical philosophy in sports. There is value that can be transferred or instilled in students or people who do sports in the context of sportsmanship or fair play. "said Prof. Toho from the East Java Sports Science Agency.
Meanwhile Dr. Made Pramono S.S M.Hum stated that to help develop the character of sports ethics, the ontology must be found first because this is useful for understanding what will be studied. The second is epistemology, which will be the material for studying the next knowledge, this stage is more a matter of the process of how to know and observe. Generally based on two things, namely reason and experience or senses. The third is axiology which discusses benefits and values.
Building the character of the younger generation through a sport value approach. One of the sports values included in this is fairplay (playing fairly). According to Dr. Made, it must be realized that sport has many problems. Moreover, we often meet in competitive sports, we often encounter unhealthy competition. Ethics is the basis for how we behave in sports, this ethics is related to sports. Every match must be properly implanted that our competing opponents are friends outside the field, not opponents who must be killed.
Meanwhile, Hijrin Fitroni, S.Or., M.Pd explained that there are six pillars of ethics to realize the value of sport character, namely trustworthiness, namely how we can give trust to those closest to us, respect, namely the tradition of respecting is very important, winning gracefully and losing. with respect, responsibility, namely where this is how we become a positive trend model, fairness is the main key in fairplay, never take unfair opportunities, caring means that the opponent is a friend that we must respect, citizenship means that we must be proud with our country, proud of the rules and proud of our appearance.
One of the urgencies in the ethical character of this sport is the use of dopping. Where 32% of athletes use Anabolic Steroid dopping. Users of this steroid hope to speed up recovery when injured. Steroids if used for a long time will be harmful to the athlete's condition. Novandri Ayubi S.Or,. M. Case. The doctoral student who was also a resource person in this webinar said that the psychological impact of athletes who use steroids will continue to consume steroids or become addicted, when they win they will become dependent, for example when they do not use steroids, they will feel that they will not win. In addition to the psychological impact, steroid consumption also has an impact on the athlete's health so that it will interfere with fair play. (Unesa Public Relations)
Author : Sekar
Editor : Vin
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