The commitment and contribution of all civitas academics of Unesa, Universitas Negeri Surabaya increases the clusterization rating of University in Indonesia. Based on the announcement of Directorate General of Higher Education (Directorate General of Higher Education) of the Ministry of Education and Culture on Tuesday (18/8), In 2019, Unesa got 22nd rank and then raised up to 19th in 2020.
In the last 4 years, Unesa always improved their rank. The achievement is a form of commitment and responsibility of higher education institutions to the community. Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd, Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, explained that Unesa is still not satisfied with this achievement.
"We always target as strong as we do. This year, we are targeting to reach 21st place. However, alhamdulillah, we actually ranked 19th. All of this was achieved in cooperation with all the participant. But we are not satisfied. Competition between PTN and PTS will continue to occur," he said.
Since 2017, Unesa has been analyzing and evaluating rating indicators issued by the Higher Education Office. These indicators are inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes. Through these criteria, a baseline is formed. All formulated programs will refer to and approach the criteria in the baseline.
"Programs and products from 2018 to 2020 we always point to the baseline. Especially on outcome indicators that have a high rating. These outcome indicators are like outstanding students and innovation. So Unesa always encourages and supports research, achievements and innovations of students and lecturers," he explained.
In the future, Unesa targets to always move up the ranks through progressive programs and measures. Although slowly, Unesa's main target is to be included in cluster 1 rating of the Ministry of Education. Not only the national rating, Unesa also targets to rise in the international rankings.
"We can not always nail to the rating of the Ministry of Education only. We are also targeting international rankings. At the very least, Unesa can be taken into account at the Asian level," he said.
Furthermore, Sujarwanto who is also in charge of unesa rating team expects the support and participation of all Unesa parties, ranging from rectors to prodi, to support mutual progress. Through internal understanding and collaboration, targets become realistic to achieve. (Zhafran)
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