Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA - Teachers of SMKN 1 Bendo, Magetan paid a visit to the Faculty of Language and Arts (FBS) of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) on Wednesday, March 16, 2022. The group of teachers was welcomed by the leadership of the rectorate and faculties at the Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan Campus, Surabaya.
On that occasion, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M. Pd., Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts Dr. Trisakti, M. Si., Deputy Dean 1 Dr. Mintowati, M. Pd., and Head of the Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Dr. Heny Subandiyah, M. Hum. Meanwhile, from SMKN 1 Bendo, there were 12 teachers.
Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd., said that currently UNESA is preparing to go to PTN-BH which requires a lot of adjustments. In addition, it also opens study programs outside the main campus in Magetan. "The collaboration between UNESA and the Magetan Regency Government is directed at expanding access and improving the quality of education for generations of people in cities and regions," he said.
Trisakti added that the Faculty of Language and Arts has 14 study programs. Nine languages and 5 art programs. He hopes that from this visit UNESA will be able to share what teachers need, both regarding strengthening and improving the quality of learning as well as regarding majors and study programs at UNESA.
One of the teachers, Diono S. Pd. M. Pd., said that the purpose of the visit was to update knowledge considering the times which of course require teachers to always update their knowledge. "Teachers must continue to learn, if you don't want to learn, don't become a teacher," he said.
He hopes that his school can cooperate with UNESA for community service programs, PLP and so on. "We are happy to welcome UNESA to work together, maybe later we need schools for research or method development or there are learning innovations, we are ready to collaborate," he said. [UNESA PR]
Author: Angel Millehelena
Editor: @zam*
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