Surabaya State University, campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) has succeeded in becoming one of the recipients of funding assistance in the Research and Innovation Ecosystem Improvement Program for the Center for Excellence in Higher Education Science and Technology (PUI-PT) for Fiscal Year 2024 from the Directorate of Research, Technology and Community Service, Directorate General Diktiristek, Kemendikbudristek.
Head of the Educational Innovation Development and PUI Sub-directorate, Endang Susantini, explained that this award cannot be separated from the cooperation and commitment of all levels in strengthening the research and innovation program ecosystem at UNESA.
PUI-PT is expected to not only strengthen the research ecosystem in Indonesia but also gain recognition on the global stage. With this funding, UNESA became one of six universities that succeeded in obtaining funding for the PUI-PTOP Disability Innovation Center.
"This is a proud achievement and confirms UNESA's position as a pioneer in innovation in the field of disabilities," explained the professor or professor in the field of biology learning strategies at UNESA.
He underlined that this year, this program was attended by dozens of universities throughout Indonesia, each with its own center of excellence. UNESA applied for funding for two centers of excellence this year, namely in the fields of disability and the arts.
Last year, UNESA was also successful as one of three universities that received funding for the Sports & Exercise Research Center (SERC). This shows UNESA's ongoing commitment to developing its various areas of excellence.
He added that each university can nominate several centers of excellence each year, but if one of the centers of excellence has already received funding, this could limit the opportunities of other universities to gain strengthening in the same field.
"We are very enthusiastic about supporting UNESA's funding application in the arts sector as the main target for next year. We hope that UNESA can continue to innovate and make a significant contribution to the development of science and technology in Indonesia," he concluded.
UNESA's Director of Innovation, Rankings and Scientific Publications, Nadi Suprapto, stated that this achievement was a concrete manifestation of UNESA's commitment to continue to contribute in its superior fields.
UNESA succeeded received special funding in the field of disabilities, which confirms the university's commitment to developing and improving the research and innovation ecosystem in various leading fields.
"Alhamdulillah, this success is the result of UNESA's continuous efforts to advance research and development in the field of sports, art, and disability. "This is proof of our consistency in developing excellence that has a positive impact on society," he said.[]
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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