Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-There are many ways that can be done to commemorate national and international holidays. One of them can be through ideas such as the sociologist at the State University of Surabaya (UNESA), Dr. Agus Machfud Fauzi, M.Sc.
On the commemoration of International Justice Day, July 17, 2022, the political observer commented on justice from the aspect of legal products in this country. According to him, justice is an important basis in realizing the ideals of living as a nation and state. Justice here concerns social justice and legal justice.
According to him, many drafts and legal products are often found that contrast with the ideals of the life of the nation and state, so that these factors affect the performance of justice itself. The man who was born in Reog City said that the current 'official style' made the democratic system in Indonesia unable to distribute justice thoroughly to all corners of the country.
“Justice in a democratic country will be realized if the officials and the people have a mature way of thinking and behaving. When democracy is implemented in a country that still has inequality between the poor and the rich. So the poor are just victims of the oligarchy,” explained the 46-year-old lecturer.
Referring to Socrates' understanding of democracy, he continued, democracy is bad not from the system, but rather to the circumstances and in the hands of whom democracy is implemented. Democracy will be cruel in the hands of those who exercise power without conscience. On the other hand, democracy will be a 'medicine' to eradicate poverty, bring justice, and create prosperity if it is carried out by responsible and committed hands.
Furthermore, according to him, the 'barrenness' of the democratic system in Indonesia is also influenced by the inappropriate application of the 'Trias Politica' (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial). "Don't be surprised if there are many legal cases involving interference by officials and judges in deciding a case. This is where the law of blunt upwards and sharp downwards emerges. We can see cases of buying and selling articles, reducing detention periods, job creation bills, money politics, to the obstacles to investigating human rights cases," he explained.
If you want to talk about the substance of justice, he said, it must refer to how all regulations that exist in a nation are formed to protect the existing community so as to provide a sense of comfort, security, peace, prosperity, and an adequate life for the next generation.
The regulation was also formed on the principle of equality by prioritizing people's aspirations as the term 'Well Educated' which departs from an educated society, whose stomach is fulfilled and has a prosperous life. "Unfortunately, this is still a problem in Indonesia," he said again.
He hopes that this day of justice will be a 'door' for collective reflection to improve the quality of justice in Indonesia. He is aware that this justice is quite complex involving many important variables. For this reason, various related parties who feel called by their conscience must continue to strive and move to realize a just and civilized Indonesia.
“Justice must be served, unity needs to be nurtured and strengthened. Justice cannot be placed on the lust of power. But power is exercised to realize social justice for all Indonesian people," he concluded. [UNESA PR]
Author: Saputra
Editor: Zam Alasiah*
Photo by Sora Shimazaki: https://www.pexels.com/en-id/foto/skala-penilaian-dan-palu-di-kantor-hakim-5669602/
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