Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Thousands of students who have completed the Teacher Professional Education Program (PPG), Surabaya State University (UNESA) were inaugurated and took the professional oath for in-service and pre-service levels at the LPSP Auditorium Floor 9, on Wednesday, 6 December 2023.
With the theme "Together with Surabaya State University, Legal Entity State University, Creating Professional Teachers who are Fit to Transform Towards a Superior Indonesia" UNESA is ready to produce quality professional teachers.
This inauguration and professional oath was led directly by the Chancellor of Surabaya State University, Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M. Kes. On that occasion he said that teaching is a noble profession and close to the noble values of life.
The man who is often called Cak Hasan hopes that professionalism, a sense of humanity and ethics can always be attached to all individuals in carrying out noble duty as a teacher wherever you are. "As a field of service, dedication, social attitudes and morality must be of high importance and become part of our daily lives," he added.
Cak Hasan emphasized that UNESA PPG graduates are different from other PPG graduates because they are equipped with additional activities, including fitness activities, competence in being able to handle learning if there are students with disabilities or special needs, as well as the ability to speak English.
The signing of the minutes and professional oath manuscripts was carried out by the Deputy Dean of Learning, Research and Community Service, Student Affairs and Alumni of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Dr. Moch. Khoirul Anwar, S.Ag., MEI., and Head of Graduation Section, Dr. Anung Priambodo, S.Pd., M.Psi.T., together with representatives from outstanding students, Setyorini and Retno Mundi Pertiwi.
In his speech, Head of the Teacher Professional Education Center, Professional Education and Certification Institute, Drs . Fatkur Rohman Kafrawi, M.Pd., explained PPG UNESA's commitment which has resulted in achievements at the national level.
“PPG UNESA has just been crowned the overall champion of National PPG with 4 awards. "The details are 3 awards in the student article category and 1 in the performance test learning video category," he said.
He appreciated the hard work and smart work of the entire Academic Community who contributed to encouraging the various goals and achievements of PPG UNESA so far which must be achieved. become motivation to continue to create breakthroughs in the future.[]
Reporter: Nelly Najwa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : Public Relations Team Documentation
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