Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) continues to improve the quality of Human Resources (HR) in all lines including in the procurement of goods and services in order to provide effective and efficient services.
< p>One of UNESA's concrete steps through the Goods/Services Procurement Management Unit (UPPBJ) is holding a Series of Technical Guidance and Goods/Services Procurement Competency Certification Examinations in collaboration with the National Development and Consultation Institute (LPKN).Activities which will last until 26 October, was opened by the Deputy Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business in the Auditorium, Rectorate, on Wednesday, 11 October 2023.
Hendra Wahyu Cahyaka, S.T., M.T., as The Head of UPPBJ in his report said that this activity was one of a series of events to strengthen human resources in the field of procurement of goods and services.
Around 50 participants from various faculties and work units around UNESA attended this activity. They will undergo a series of reinforcements accompanied by a team from LPKN.
"This is our commitment, even though PTNBH has to follow the rules in procuring goods and services where UNESA also still has ties to the government," he said.
For him, this certification is an important step in generating regeneration of UNESA employees, who initially only numbered a dozen people, so that they can become driving figures and benchmarks for each work unit in the procurement of goods and services.
In implementation, employees will undergo training via an online platform provided by LPKN, which can be accessed anywhere and has a predetermined deadline.
This is expected to increase the competency of UNESA employees in procuring goods and services as well as support the institution's future progress without any problems, especially internal.
Vice Chancellor for Law, Management, Finance, Resources and Business, Dr. H. Bachtiar Syaiful Bachri, M.Pd., said, UNESA is almost entering its second year with PTNBH status, so there is a need for acceleration in various fields including the procurement of goods and services.
Success in procurement is one of the factors most important in the progress of an institution like UNESA. Of course, this needs to be balanced with strengthening the human resources of all work units.
"These abilities and skills need to be improved, such as certification capabilities, which are also an important point in implementing the tridharma of higher education," he explained.
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On The activity was attended by speakers from LPKN, namely Drs. Suleman Hatta., M.M. and Audi Nadiya, S.E. One of the LPKN team, Suleman Hatta, said that there are various types of competencies in learning certification competencies.
One of the learning outcomes is being able to explain technical specifications/work terms of reference, price estimates, procurement strategies, collection of materials and/or data and/or information needed to plan the procurement of government goods/services, and so on.
The competency standards proposed include three components, namely supply chain management, basic procurement and technical competency.
"There will be 80 questions with various compositions and different weights, so that participants' thinking patterns will develop after participating in this activity," he explained.[*]
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Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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