Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-Efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian television broadcasts need to be continuously worked together. Therefore, the Central Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) continues its partnership with The State University of Surabaya in the form of research cooperation in the Quality Index of Television Broadcast Programs. The relationship was marked in the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) and cooperation agreement (MoA) in the opening of the Workshop Area research quality index television broadcast program year 2021 at Hotel Bumi Surabaya City Resort (21/4).
Representing Rector Unesa, Prof. Dr. Darni, M.hum, as Chairman of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), supported this program as a step to contribute thoughts and ideas for the continuous improvement of Indonesian broadcasting.
"The aspect of broadcasting is actually in line with the struggle marwah Unesa namely Education. Today, education is not only performed by formal institutions such as schools, but children are also informed by the media. Therefore, the purpose of this research to seek impressions that educate the public is also a concern for us" he said.
For Unesa this research activity is also in line with the obligations of Tridharma universities. He hopes that through this research, Unesa continues to be able to develop a culture of research and innovation to contribute thought to the Government and Industry.
"We would like to thank you for the trust given by the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission in the activities that have taken place in the fourth year. Unesa is ready to support the research of Broadcast Program Quality Index in 2021 and always open if there are other patterns of cooperation that can be implemented", he explained.
Meanwhile, Nuning Rodiyah, Central KPI Commissioner reaffirmed that this research is an effort to provide alternative assessments on television broadcasts as well as provide references for the public to be a reference to watch in choosing a good program. As the year went on he saw progress in a good direction.
"We continue to evaluate this research. The method continues to be improved with experts. As a result we are happy that the index of TV broadcasts is getting better in general even though we do not deny there are still programs that are still lacking", he explained
Regarding cooperation with Unesa, Nuning is proud that the partnership has been going on for four years and will continue. He also hopes that in the future there will be other forms of cooperation, especially for monitoring local TV broadcasts.
"We hope there is a kind of broadcasting laboratory to monitor local TV because of our limitations and hope Unesa can play a role in helping assess and analyze local programs so as to help KPIs formulate policies related to local broadcasting", he explained
Television Broadcast Quality Index Research activity is monitoring and assessment conducted by expert informants from Unesa and various stakeholders with various fields of expertise. With the assessment on various programs in the future, it is expected that the results of this research can be a reference material to encourage the improvement of television programs. (Pr. Unesa)
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