Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA�The successful transformation of Surabaya State University (UNESA) PTN-BH has become a reference for a number of BLU state universities which are moving towards BTN-BH. One of the universities in the transformation process towards PTN-BH is Tadulako University (Untad) Palu, Central Sulawesi, which on Tuesday, January 23 2024 visited UNESA.
They were welcomed by the leadership of the 'Home of Champions' campus. in Meeting Room 801, Floor 8, Rectorate Building, Campus II Lidah Wetan. Chairman of the Untad Senate, Prof. Djayadi Nurdin, said that his party's arrival for discussion or dialogue was to strengthen the transformation from PTN-BLU to PTN-BH.
"We all know that UNESA is one of the campuses whose status change to PTN-BH is relatively fast. Of course "There is a lot that needs to be explored and used as a reference," he said.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Haris Supratno, Chair of the UNESA Board of Trustees (MWA), said that what needs to be prepared for PTN-BH is an assessment of the current condition of higher education by Diktiristek. If you have a minimum score of 300, you will be included in the highest nomination.
Apart from that, there needs to be a self-evaluation document, academic text documents, RPJP, RPP, and transitional regulations. After the preparation is complete, it is sent to the Ministry of Education and Culture and then goes through an assessment process.

After being declared passed, they will then undergo a harmonization process with 5 ministries, namely the Ministry of Education and Culture, Menpan, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of State Secretariat. Once approved, it will then be signed by the Ministry of State Secretariat.
The process does not stop there, because after completing this stage, the PTN-BH committee still has to work on the regulations of the chancellor, the Board of Trustees (MWA), and the University Academic Senate (SAU ).
Following up on this activity, Untad will invite Prof. Haris Supratno to provide assistance. This activity was attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications and University Rankings, Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D., and the ranks of UNESA's environmental directorates.[]
Reporter: Rafa Afifa
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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