Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA –The State University of Surabaya (UNESA) in collaboration with the State University of Malang held a Scientific Publication Seminar on Thursday, October 14, 2021 virtually. This event was attended by Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNESA, Dr. Syamsul Sodiq, M.Pd. UNESA Dosma Coordinator and Prof. Dr. Lia Yuliati, M.Pd Coordinator of Dosma UM and the internship lecturers from the two universities are 48 people.
Syamsul Sodiq revealed that this seminar was the initial activity of 8 universities providing internship lecturers. At the beginning of the activity, a national joint activity was carried out. "Because the activity has not been able to run, we from the UNESA lecturer organizing team coordinated with the UM internship lecturer team and this seminar was held," he said.
Furthermore, he explained that the next seminar on digital learning is planned to be held by UM on October 28. The coordinator of UNESA internship lecturers revealed that it was important to raise this topic for apprentice lecturer participants.
In his remarks, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs UNESA appreciated the event as a form of collaboration between the two universities. "UNESA internship lecturers also need to know about apprenticeship at UM, on the other hand, internship lecturers also need to find out the internship cycle at UNESA," he said.
he also explained that scientific publications are important as well as characterize lecturers in universities. “Publication is an indicator of the size of a lecturer in the eyes of the public, and it must be accounted for by those who become lecturers. I hope the participants can take advantage of this opportunity well,” he said.
At the seminar, Sueb, S.Pd., M.Pd acted as moderator. While the presenters are Rooselyna Ekawati, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D. as Head of Study Program Pend. Mathematics UNESA and Ahmad Taufiq, S.Pd., M.Si as the Head of the UM Scientific Publication Center.
Ahmad Taufiq delivered material related to the strategy of writing scientific articles in indexed international journals. According to him, there are two basic things that are part of the quality indicators of universities and lecturers, namely, first, reputable national and international publications, second, IPR. There are several tips that can be done to produce quality research, including starting with interesting ideas, looking for research themes that are up to date, interesting from various aspects and can be done according to the facilities and conditions.
Meanwhile, Rooselyna Ekawati, S.Si, M.Sc., Ph.D., on that occasion highlighted the obstacles and challenges that must be overcome in publishing research results. He also explains how this scientific journal can be interesting and tips and tricks to make scientific journals more valuable and of high quality. (Hasna/zam*)
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