Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya-The Unit of Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Publication of the State University of Surabaya (UNESA) held a Workshop on International Indexation of UNESA Journals on Thursday (01/07/21).
This activity took place virtually which was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and UNESA lecturers. The workshop was held in three discussion categories. Category A is about the indexation of Google Scholar (GS), Garuda, and Microsof Academic Search (MAS). While category B discusses Dimension and Copernicus Indexation. Finally, category C is Copernicus Indexation and DOAJ.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto, M.Pd. in his speech explained that reaccreditation will be designed for UNESA journals, including student journals so that they can be submitted to international journals. "For this reason, assistance or workshops on indexation of international journals are held so that everything goes well," he said.
The Unesa Journal International Indexation Workshop brought together several speakers, one of which was from the State University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, as Editor at Directory Open Access Journal (DOAJ), Muhammad Ratodi, M.Kes. He said DOAJ is a website that lists OA journals and is managed by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (IS4OA). This project defines an OA journal as a journal that is scientifically sound and meets high quality standards, by conducting peer review or editorial quality control and using a funding model that does not cost a penny, so that it does not burden readers to access journal content.
He also said that the importance of being indexed by DOAJ is as follows, indexing high quality open access journals, international scale, and medium indexers or can be called point 3 accreditation. possibility of being confiscated. This will have an impact on our sociability journal,” he said.
On that occasion, Ratodi also explained the minimum criteria for DOAJ, namely ISSN registered at https://road.issn.org/, Web Open Access, in a year at least 5 manuscripts are published, and as of March 2021 the journal has been published for at least one year, or has published 10 articles.
Things that need to be considered in DOAJ are web language, all rights reserved, composition of editors + reviewers who wrote in the last 3 publications, composition of interval writers, explanation of licenses and copyright holders, publish and submit dates, copy-paste information, and the name of the editor in the reviewer list vice versa. (Aida)
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