The program to accelerate lecturers to become professors implemented by UNESA has succeeded in producing dozens of professors per year. Throughout 2024, UNESA has confirmed 34 professors.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA�The campus with the motto 'Growing with Character' has again confirmed 14 professors in various scientific fields at Graha Sawunggaling, Surabaya State University (UNESA) Campus II Lidah Wetan, Surabaya, on Sunday, 22 December 2024.
This inauguration is the third for 2024. This means that throughout this year UNESA PTN-BH succeeded in appointing a total of 34 professors. This number is on target and is proof of the success of the professor acceleration program implemented by UNESA.
The Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan or Cak Hasan, said that the inauguration of professors who met this target was an end of year gift and a gift for UNESA's 60th anniversary. The addition of these professors has become a driving force for research and innovation on the campus, 'home of the champions.'
Professors are important pillars for the progress of the institution. Professors act as scholars and scientific role models who have the task of maintaining and developing science, technology and intellectual values ��for the progress of society, nation and state.
Cak Hasan hopes that the professors can strengthen UNESA's scientific and institutional reputation at the international level. Apart from that, it is also to strengthen UNESA's contribution through research and innovation that has an impact on progress, independence and welfare of society.

The Chancellor of UNESA, Nurhasan or who is familiarly called Cak Hasan, emphasized UNESA\'s commitment to developing science and innovation that will have an impact on society and the country towards a Golden Indonesia 2045.
Realize Food Self-Sufficiency
"We encourage professors to innovate and carry out impactful research and development. Previously there was an FMIPA professor who researched agriculture, which could become capital for UNESA is currently planning a food security faculty," he said.
The food security faculty that is being prepared includes the fields of agriculture and animal husbandry. The opening of the faculty was based on a number of studies and based on demands in the field, including to support the realization of food self-sufficiency.
"Through the human resources and experts or professors that we have, UNESA can answer challenges as well as encourage the realization of food security or self-sufficiency in accordance with President Prabowo's ideals," stressed Cak Hasan.

The professors appointed for the third period in 2024 come from various scientific disciplines and faculties.
Professor at A number of fields
The professors appointed at the end of this year come from various scientific disciplines and faculties, some from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).
There are also those from the Faculty of Education (FIP), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Fisipol), and Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences (FIKK). The list of 14 professors in question is as follows:
- Prof. Frida Ulfah Ermawati, professor in the field of dielectric materials physics (FMIPA);
- Prof. Isnawati, professor in the field of bioengineering of biological resources based on genetic materials for improving bioprospection (FMIPA);
- Prof. Wiryanto, professor in elementary school mathematics education (FIP);
- Prof. Agung Listiadi, professor in the field of financial accounting learning media (FEB);
- Prof. Vishnu, professor of socio-economic history (Fisipol);
- Prof. Masriyah, professor in the field of mathematical reasoning assessment (FMIPA);
- Prof. Suhartono, professor of pragmatics (FBS);
- Prof. Syamsul Sodiq, professor of writing learning (FBS);
- Prof. Gigih Siantoro, professor in the field of basketball coaching evaluation (FIKK);
- Prof. Mitarlis, professor in the field of environment-based chemical learning innovation (FMIPA);
- Prof. Wagino, professor of assistive technology (FIP);
- Prof. Imam Syafii, professor of early childhood football coaching (FIKK);
- Prof. Andun Sudijandoko, professor of sports, recreation and health (FIKK);
- Prof. Nurkholis, professor of sports physics (FIKK). [*]
Reporter: Ajwa Elizia Alwi (FBS), Moch Ja'far Sodiq (FIP), Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud (FBS), and Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS).
Editor: @zam*
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