Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The UNESA Choir and Music Activity Unit (UK-PSM) held a virtual UK-PSM 2021 Terrace Music performance on Monday, 27 September 2021. The theme for this show was 'Tune of Memory' as an effort to commemorate past experiences or memories through various tone chant.
Albrian Fiky Prakoso, S.Pd., M.Pd., UK-PSM supervisor appreciated the implementation of this virtual music show. For him, holding activities during the Covid-19 pandemic and all the limitations is an extraordinary thing. "Continuing to choose to continue working and always be productive during the pandemic is a very positive step and I hope this series of activities will be useful," he said.
He hopes that with the enthusiasm of the UK-PSM students, they can continue to contribute to many people, and make achievements for the pride of the UNESA alma mater. "This musical performance is also the last gift for our friend Mikhael Yedija who passed away before us. Therefore, the 2021 Terrace Music will be held right on his birthday," he said.
For information, UK-PSM is a student activity unit that was formed in 1988. Initially, UK-PSM was formed at the request of the rectorate to fill the choir on national holidays. However, along with the number of members who mastered musical instruments, the idea emerged to unite the choir and music into a single unit.
This can be seen from several groups that premiered on the UK-PSM UNESA 2021 Youtube channel, including Perjaka Band, SoundBite, Techlow, Sleepwell, Swara Anggita Choir, and Quintcircle. They all display works according to their respective characteristics. The talents made by UK-PSM UNESA have made many achievements on their journey. One of them, Swara Anggita Choir. The best UNESA choir won various achievements, the most recent being being ranked 1st in the Mini Choir Competition Festival W.R. Soepratman V in 2020. (meds/zam)
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