Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that functions to secrete hormones that control organs and body cells. Although it has a small size, it has a number of controls to respond to various stimuli, regulates the endocrine (hormonal) system and controls the autonomic nervous system such as body temperature, food intake, thirst, controlling emotions. If the hypothalamus cannot work optimally or stops, then all functions in the body will be disturbed.
The hypothalamus in the male and female brains is different. Such as the size of the male hypothalamus is larger and the presence of the hormone oxytocin. “This is what causes men to get hungry more easily, therefore in advising a boy not to do it when he is hungry. Likewise, the hormone oxytocin which combines with testosterone causes males to be more aggressive, whereas when combined with estrogen forms a calmer female character and creates a calming environment," explained Unesa's Early Childhood Education Teacher Education (PG PAUD) Lecturer, Kartika Rinakit Adhe, S. Pd., M.Pd. He emphasized that this character is important for parents to understand, so that the delivery of information to children can run more optimally.
Furthermore, he also revealed gender-appropriate learning methods that can be utilized to maximize the learning process. “For boys, they usually enjoy practicum models, hands-on activities, designing objects and sports activities. Meanwhile, because women have higher memorization power, they will prefer presentation, discussion, writing and art activities,” said Kartika.
Information processing between boys and girls also has differences. “Boys have a hard time understanding words that are too long and wordy. So when communicating, try to talk to the point and use sentences that are easy for children to understand.” Kartika explained. On the other hand, women tend to be better at remembering, understanding and knowing how to respond correctly in all social situations. “So, so that our communication can be accepted by girls, we do it by approaching the child slowly and having a heart-to-heart talk. Speak from heart to heart in a soft tone of voice. This tends to make children soften," he said. (Unesa Public Relations)
Photo : Andrea Piacquadio - Pexels.com (https://www.pexels.com/en-id/foto/kakak-dan-kakak-perempuan-belajar-dirumah-3769981/)
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