Release of candidates who are entitled to the title " Gr " (Teacher) behind the bachelors degree was led directly by the Unesa Rector Prof. Dr. Warsono M.S. Director of P3G Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela M.Pd. Vice Rector I Unesa Dr. Yuni Sri Rahayu M.Sc. the ranks of assistant deans I throughout Unesa and 11 heads of graduate study programs including PG-PAUD PGSD Indonesian language education history education English education mathematics education physics education geography education and physical education sports and recreation as well as economic education. The composition of the program which took place from 08.00-12.00 WIB was opened with the opening by the chancellor followed by the report of the director of the P3G and the reading of the Graduation Decree by the assistant rector I Unesa . After that the submission of a professional teacher certificate from the head of the study program was followed by congratulations by the rector. The procession was honored by giving awards to the 11 best graduates who received the best grades from each study program judicial inauguration and reading of the teachers pledge and ending the prayer.
In his report P3G President Director Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela M.Pd. said the judicial scholars are professionally certified teachers and bear additional Gr degrees as a sign of their professionalism. Furthermore these teachers can register as civil servant (PNS) teachers through public channels or can return to serve in disadvantaged areas in the Frontline Teachers (GDD) program and the Sabang-Mindanau Line. " Wherever you (Yudisiawan) are be an inspiring role model " he explained.
On the same occasion Prof. Dr. Warsono M.S. conveyed to graduates not to be afraid to become teachers. "Indeed teachers are not professions such as doctors or engineers who can make the culprit rich. But remember who prepared them while sitting in school. They are the teachers " said the chancellor who previously served as Unesas Vice Chancellor III. (and / fitting / SR / PR)
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