Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA) received a visit from the leadership of Semarang State University (UNNES) on Monday (5/4/2021). The welcoming event in the form of Welcome Dinner was held at Cafe Ulala, Jalan Raya Kampus Unesa Lidah Wetan.
In addition to being a welcome expression from UNESA, the essence of the dinner was also to strengthen the relationship between campus leaders and their ranks. The two colleges also exchanged souvenirs as mementos and as a form of appreciation.
The welcoming event gets more festive with the performance of the leadership who sing and donate songs to each other. Rector of UNESA Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes conveyed his welcome to the leadership of UNNES and the group who had taken the time to attend the event.
Cak Hasan (his friendly greeting) hopes that the whole group from Semarang will feel comfortable and enjoy the atmosphere of Kota Pahlawan. "On behalf of the institution, I would like to welcome my colleagues and seniors from UNNES. We ask for guidance because this year UNESA targets to be PTN-BH. Hopefully UNNES does not get tired of sharing and synergizing with UNESA," said Nurhasan.
In addition to welcoming and having a light chat between the leaders, the series of events continued with a joint tennis match between the UNESA team and the UNNES team at the Unesa Tennis Court. Each team is competing against each other. The friendly match was exciting accompanied by music and songs from biduanita and occasional song donations from the leaders.
After tennis, the two campus leaders continued FGD held at Sport Science and Merdeka Belajar Lab. The FGD was held separately. For Sports Science held in Gazebo Lab Merdeka Learning center side, Sports Education held in Gazebo Lab Merdeka Learning east side, and FGD Education and Sports Training held at the Tennis Court.
Nurhasan said that the FGD aims to discuss cooperation that can be done in the future, especially in the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar program and Merdeka Campus. Also, to increase synergy between the two parties to keep the spirit and have a commitment to achieve the target of PTN-BH in 2022.
In addition, the main point discussed at the meeting was about the cooperation plan between the three departments in the Faculty of Sports Sciences UNESA with the same department at the Faculty of Sports Sciences UNNES. The cooperation, covering the fields of education, research and community service.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Fathur Rokhman, M.Hum., Rector of Unnes appreciated the event. According to him, this activity needs to be done in order to improve cooperation, continue to synergize and inspire each other towards a superior and quality campus.
"We're brothers. So, it does have to fight together to improve capacity and quality. What is the advantage of UNESA will be an inspiration for UNNES, and what is the advantage of UNNES will be shared with UNESA," he explained.
Furthermore, Fathur Rohman said that this FGD is an effort of both institutions to optimize the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka. "Together we will grow and become more powerful. But if we alone will certainly be difficult for universities to develop in the midst of this increasingly complex challenge," added Fathur. "I want, not only fellow rectors who are old friends, but the ranks between faculties and departments and courses of two campuses can also be friendly," he hoped.
Head of Department of Sports Science UNNES Sugiarto, S.Si., M.Sc., AIFM explained that the important point of FGD between the departments of Sports Science UNNES and UNESA is to discuss cooperation conducted in the field of education, research, and community service, as well as other supporting fields.
Sugiarto detailed that cooperation in the field of education includes the exchange of students and lecturers. In research fields such as research collaborations and scientific publications in national and international reputable journals. While in the field of community service is through creative and innovative programs of devotion that benefit the community.
According to him, the collaboration can improve academic quality and provide a different academic atmosphere. Then it can motivate students and lecturers and support the implementation of Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka in the two campuses. "This will be a productive cooperation and can certainly improve the quality of the implementation of Tridarma Higher Education on our campus (UNNES, red) and in UNESA," he said. "UNESA is amazing, a progressive, innovative, creative campus, and certainly always one step ahead," he said of UNESA. (Suryo/Hasna/Zam)
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