Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya –
Engaging in Volunteering Program does need to be a struggle, quite draining and mind-draining. However, it all paid off after a team of volunteers witnessed the happy smiles of children and earthquake victims. "Thank you, thank you very much Unesa," said the residents of Maliaya, Kec. Malunda, Kab. Majene to the team of Unesa volunteers who give psychoeducation in their evacuation on Sunday (24/1).
Ari Trio Adi Saputra, one of Unesa's team of volunteers, said that participating in humanitarian action to volunteer for "Unesa Peduli Mamuju and Majene" during the pandemic was stressful. Psychoeducation and frequently meet citizens make him and his team always vigilant. Therefore, the discipline of using health protocols must still be carried out. "We also participated in antigen swabs at the site in anticipation. Alhamdulilah all negative," he said.
Unesa Sports Science Study Program student continued that at first the trip to the location was quite tiring. But when the team of volunteers arrived in Mamuju on Saturday (23/1), the fatigue suddenly disappeared. The grief only peaked, seeing many buildings flattened to the ground and the residents falling asleep only on mats and covered with tarpaulin. "It's very sad, so we help them as much as we can, their smiles are our motivation," he added.
Chairman of unesa volunteer committee, Wiryo Nuryono, S.Pd., M.Pd. said that Unesa volunteer team was welcomed by residents and other volunteers there. After his team enrolled in the central post of West Sulawesi volunteers, immediately prepared everything to go down to each village doing psychoeducation in locations considered severe and earthquake-prone.
On Sunday (24/1) his team performed trauma healing at the Maliaya Village refugee camp, Malunda District, Majene District and was supported by local village equipment. There are many activities done with children and residents there. Starting from drawing, storytelling with dolls, playing balloons and other games. "We are happy that the children can laugh again and most importantly they recover psychologically," said Wiryo Nuryono.
Then on Monday (25/1), Unesa's team moved to a refugee camp at Senior High School 1 Papalang. The agenda is the same, namely psychoeducation for earthquake victims through games and fun with children and residents. In addition, unesa team also provides respiratory control training to reduce excessive panic, how to manage the mind to stay positive, and acupressure totok training. "We give it to mature citizens, and most importantly we train parents to be positive-minded despite the precarious situation," explained Ramadhan Maruta, S.Psi. unesa volunteer coordinator.
For the next day until January 27, 2021, Unesa volunteers will continue to perform psychoeducation or trauma healing in several evacuation locations. The concept is to provide entertainment so that the trauma of post-earthquake residents can be recovered as quickly as possible. Each activity location can be different and adjusted to the condition of residents in each location.
Asrin, maliaya village device, Malunda District, Kab. Majene said that the needs of earthquake victims are about basic needs in the form of clothing, food and boards, but more importantly also the need to recover from fear and trauma so as not to prolong.
Therefore, the program of education or trauma healing is needed by the victims. "Obviously we are moved, and thank Unesa and her team, for visiting and helping us who are here. Hopefully Unesa and its ranks continue to be a caring campus, success is always for Unesa," said Asrin. (Yam/Humas Unesa)
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