Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya – Unlike previous years, the 2020 election for Putra Putri Unesa was held virtual because it was still in the covid-19 pandemic period. Starting the event with opening remarks, the Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., said that the election for Putra Putri Unesa, which is held regularly every year by Unesa, aims to produce students who are selected from 7 Faculties in Unesa who will become campus representatives.
"Of course, this also requires early habituation through how to position yourself in everyday life so that you become a good person who is eager to learn more. Putra Putri Unesa will later have to be a good example for students around Unesa, seen from several aspects such as self-character, knowledge and also other interests and talents. Hopefully holding events like this can produce expected outputs," said Agus.
Finally, Agus hopes that prospective campus representatives will be able to provide the best, not only for the campus but also for themselves as young people who have an important role to provide new breakthroughs in various kinds of innovations.
"Good luck and congratulations for whoever is selected for the next period, hopefully the knowledge and relationships you get will be useful for the long term future and the achievements you have achieved are a tangible manifestation of your contribution in realizing Unesa One Step Ahead," he concluded.
Putra Putri Unesa election event is part of an activity series for Unesa's 56th Anniversary. The grand final which was held yesterday (20/11), featured the best pairs of representatives from seven faculties. Before getting to the grand final stage, they first went through a long stage of selection at the department, faculty and then to the university level.
Those who enter the grand final are figures or representations from their respective departments or faculties who will then be selected on a university scale through the grand final. In the future they are expected to be able to become university figures in society. Therefore, their qualifications are not synonymous with beauty or good looks, but those who are prioritized are those who are intellectually (academically) and emotionally capable.
Of the 14 participants who entered the grand final, there were 3 selected couples who would be crowned 2020 Putra Putri Unesa at the peak of the Unesa 2020 anniversary on December 19, 2020. The 3 best couples, Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin from Faculty of Math and Science, Rangga Fitra Ardiansyah from Faculty of Education, and Dimas Agung Firmansyah from Faculty of Social Science and Law for Putra and Annisa Putri Dewitasari from Faculty of Math and Science, Rahmalia Wulan Azizah from Faculty of Social Science and Law, Chatarina Dias from Faculty of Engineering for Putri.
Their job will be to educate and conduct socialization, both in institutions and in the community. This socialization includes the advantages of the campus, the dangers of drugs, the importance of a literacy culture and encourages people to care about the environment and many other things.
Among the jury members present, Dr. Diana Rahmasari, M.Psi, Amin Fauzi, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Putra Batik Nusantara who are also Digital Creative Executive of Nutrifood Indonesia, Andri Dwi Julianto, S.Ikom. The activity continued with introductions and questions from each of the judges for assessment. (QQ)
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