Rector Cak Hasan emphasized that all Unesa officials must be able to work together, synergize and complement each other to realize the vision and mission of Unesa PTN-BH.
Unesa.ac.id. SURABAYA�Chancellor Surabaya State University (Unesa) inaugurated a number of officials at the level of vice chancellor, director, sub-directorate, study program coordinator and section head in the Auditorium Main (Auditum) 11th floor Unesa Rectorate, Campus 2 Lidah Wetan, Surabaya on Friday, January 24 2025.
The Chancellor of Unesa, Nurhasan or Cak Hasan said that this inauguration was an important moment for the journey institution in the future. This appointment is not just ceremonial, but a big mandate that must be carried out together to continue to improve the quality of service, performance and innovation for the progress of Unesa.
Cak Hasan hopes that this inauguration will bring new enthusiasm, a sharper vision and high dedication in realizing the ideals of Unesa PTN-BH to become a superior educational center capable of contributing to realizing a golden Indonesia 2045.
�With competence, integrity and commitment, responsibilities will be carried out well. "However, I want to remind you that this mandate is a big responsibility that must be carried out properly and appropriately," he said.

A number of new related officials underwent an inauguration procession and took the oath of office.
He continued, the task given demands commitment, hard work and a spirit of collaboration. Because in facing the challenges of an increasingly complex global era, strategic, adaptive, innovative and solution thinking is a must.
Same vision and mission, synergy between all members of the community, including leaders, lecturers and staff, are key factors for success and sustainability Unesa PTN-BH. The interests of the institution must be prioritized above personal and group interests.
�We continue to carry out evaluations, rotations and promotions while preparing strategies for the future. "Likewise with new study programs, we hope we can serve new students well and prepare for accreditation needs both nationally and internationally," he said.
Martadi, Deputy Chancellor for Field 1 who has just been appointed, mentioned several targets that will be carried out, including ensuring that new study programs opened this year have entered the national level selection.
Second, related to the campus' reputation for international programs which also require a lot of preparation. Third, related to an adaptive curriculum, determining competencies and soft skills, and opening up space for how technology will be strengthened to support the curriculum.

Unesa Chancellor Cak Hasan congratulated the new Deputy Chancellor for Field IV, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko, and to the relevant new officials who were appointed.
�We will focus on student affairs focuses students on honing their soft skills because passing is not only an academic score but also a soft skill. "For this reason, we will encourage scientific presentations, research and student programs, as well as guest lecturers from industry," he concluded.
Receiving a new mandate as Deputy Chancellor for Division IV, Dwi Cahyo Kartiko said that he would strengthen the field of cooperation, both national and international in order to improve the quality of the tridharma ecosystem on campus with the motto 'Growing with Character .'
The professor of basketball studies continued, currently Unesa is initiating collaboration with partners in Italy and Greece . This is done because these two countries are 'old' countries in terms of culture and history.
�Apart from that (cooperation), we want to strengthen branding Unesa . "So that everything can be more neatly arranged and well organized, from the big things to the smallest things such as setting the logo and using fonts," he added.[*]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa (FBS)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: Public Relations Team Unesa
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