Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—Sub-directorate of Independent Learning and Independent Campus (MBKM), State University of Surabaya (UNESA) provided debriefing and release of students for the 5th batch of 2023 MSIB program, online on Friday, 18 August 2023.< /p>
The Academic Director of Unesa, Prof. Fida Rachmadiarti, M.Kes., Head of MBKM Subdirectorate Dr. M. Jacky, S.Sos., M.Sc., Coordinator of the UNESA environmental study program and Certified Internship and Certified Independent Study (MSIB) participant batch 5.
Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Sc., Deputy Chancellor for Education, Student Affairs, and Alumni, said that participants must optimize the activities they participate in because they will gain valuable experiences that cannot be obtained in the classroom or laboratory.
“This is an opportunity gold, on behalf of the chancellor, I order, take care of the dignity of the campus (UNESA' red). Show yourself as a student with character, big heart and desire to move forward for the sake of Indonesia in the future," he said.
Intern Rumah Rakyat
Drs. Djaka Dwi Winarko, M.Sc., as Plt. The Head of Pusbangkom HR Legislative Secretary General of the DPR RI who was present as a resource person for the socialization of the DPR RI Internship Program at People's Homes (MDRR).
He explained, MDRR had entered the MSIB program in which apprentices would be given the opportunity to learn and see directly the processes of carrying out the duties and functions of the DPR RI as well as the work of its supporting system.
The 2023 MDRR program itself will be implemented from 14 August to 22 December 2023 with various activities starting from observation, public lectures, audiences, internships, simulations, to evaluations with a total of 900 hours of lessons and can be converted into 20 credits.< /p>
"There are already 2 UNESA students who have been accepted by MDRR. Both are from the Bachelor of Sociology study program. So the opportunity is very open, there are 15 internship positions available in this internship program, with applicants reaching 25,475 in 2022," he explained.
Dwi Anggorowati R, S.Sc., M.Sc., as Head of the Internship Section /PKL said that internships at UNESA were divided into 3 groups, namely ministry internships, study program internships, and university internships. MBKM, he continued, is included in the ministry's apprenticeship scheme. At least there are several things that students must pay attention to so that the internship activities can run well and smoothly.
First, fill out the log book. Second, initial assessment, and 3) Final evaluation. He also explained how to fill out the log book while participating in the program, the flow of coordination between mentors from partners and students to universities, to filling out the final report.
“For information on this program, see www.mbkm.unesa.ac .id, you have passed 5,000 applicants, you have to maximize it, especially since the certificates obtained can be used to apply for jobs," he explained.
Said UNESA Best Participant
On that occasion, MSIB participants with achievements from UNESA conveyed their testimonials as well as tips and tricks. Musfiroh Nichla Divineyya, 2020 Geography Education bachelor's degree student, winner of the SIB golden ticket at PT Mitra Semeru Indonesia, shared that there are several ways behind his career.
“I made a good first impression and was active in the material. The tips are when people talk I listen when they are silent I speak it is a strategy to be able to show yourself off. Also improving skills and getting closer to mentors and maintaining good relationships," he explained.
Meanwhile, Rasyid, a 2020 Informatics Engineering undergraduate student, who became the best participant for Certified Internship at PT. Media Kreasi Abadi admitted to implementing several points important when participating in offline internships such as being interactive with meeting new people, being confident even though you don't have the basics, being adaptive to new things, and having a desire to learn.[*]
Reporter: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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