Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya - Surabaya State University collaborated with the Indonesian Special Education Professional Association (APPKhI) on Thursday, January 27, 2022, located on the 8th floor of the Unesa Rectorate Building, Lidah Wetan campus. The signing of the collaboration is Unesa's commitment to strengthening the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) and real attention to inclusive education. Present at the signing were the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd, Dean of FIP Dr. Mochamad Nursalim, M.Si, Deputy Dean of FIP, Head of the Department of Special Education (PLB) Dr Asri Wijiastuti, M.Pd, Chair of the Center for Disability Services Studies (PSLD) Prof. Dr. Budiyanto M.Pd, Head of the Inclusion Journal Prof. Dr. Siti Masitoh, M.Pd and a number of teams. Meanwhile, from the APPKhI management, the General Chairperson of the APPKhI Central Management, Prof. Dr. Munawir Yusuf, M.Psi and team.
Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd in his speech said that this collaboration was very important for Unesa, especially in order to support the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program. With this collaboration, Unesa students, especially Special Education will get various benefits such as internship opportunities, certificates, and other experiences that are needed by students. "Besides that, this collaboration is also important with regard to writing articles in scientific journals," explained Sujarwanto, who hoped that the collaboration would be sustainable so that it would bring greater benefits.
Similarly, Prof. Munawir Yusuf, Chairman of the Central Committee of APPKhI, emphasized that the Association of Indonesian Special Education Professionals can be a field for students to have special competencies that are needed by the community. These competencies include mobility competency certificates, sign language competency certificates, self-development competencies, motion development, personal development competencies, social and so on. "All these areas of competence need to be owned by students because they are needed by the community," said Munawir.
In the future, continued the UNS lecturer, APPKhI will collaborate with various universities in Indonesia, including Unesa to make the certification that students can take through the MBKM program. Currently, there are three MBKM program packages, namely inclusive education, organizational management, and human resource management, especially those based on disability. "Of course, the network needs to be made nationally, then later it will be mapped out what each university will develop, including Unesa in what fields will be developed," he said.
On the occasion of signing the MoU this time, Unesa made three collaborations with APPKhi. The first collaboration was carried out by the Special Education Department (PLB), represented by Dr. Asri Wijiastuti, M.Pd AMA as the head of the PLB department. The second collaboration was carried out by the Center for the Study of Disability Services (PSDL), represented by Prof. Dr. Budiyanto as chairman of PSDL. And, the third collaboration was carried out with the Inclusion Journal, represented by the Chair of the Inclusive Journal, Prof. Dr. Siti Masitoh, M.Pd. Meanwhile, from the APPKhI side, Prof. Dr. Munawir Yusuf as the Chairman of the Central Executive Board of APPKhI was accompanied by the board of directors.
In addition to signing the cooperation, on that occasion, Prof. Munawir also read out several recommendations based on the 2021 annual work meeting. One of them, appointed Unesa to represent the East Java APPKHI regional management as the host of the 2022 APPKHI National Conference (MUNAS) and international seminars. "We certainly hope that the National Conference which will be held around November or December 2022 can be well organized, and give Unesa the authority to establish cooperation, form committees, and other preparations," he added.
Responding to the National Conference plan, the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd welcomes and will try to carry out the National Conference well through various seminars and competitions that can improve the Main Work Index (KPI) of higher education. (Unesa Public Relations)
Author: Basyir Aidi
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