Unesa.ac.id, Surabaya–State University of Surabaya collaborates with the Center for Television Media Development of Education and Culture (BPMTPK). The cooperation was marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by the Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation unesa, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd., with the Head of BPMTPK, Drs. Subijanto on Tuesday (31/3/2021) at the Rectorate Building Unesa Lidah Wetan.
On that occasion, Dr. Sujarwanto, M.Pd explained that one of the demands of the current era is that education should be able to collaborate with various institutions and other parties. Collaboration is one of the keys to the rapid development of the times with all its challenges and opportunities. On that basis, collaboration becomes one that is realized through the concept of freedom of learning and an independent campus supported by the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A.
"This MoU can be a legal umbrella to produce PKSB (New Cooperation Agreement). For example, our students are given internship opportunities or there are colleagues from BPMTPK who can be invited to teach on our campus as outstanding lecturers or other field cooperation," said Sujarwanto.
Furthermore, he appreciated the MoU's activities. In addition to agreeing on cooperation, it also establishes a good relationship between Unesa and BPMTPK. "This MoU is the beginning of our agreement to strengthen the relationship in order to provide support to the community so that it can be felt the benefits. Furthermore, some parties from Unesa will always discuss about what collaborations can be done together in the future," said Sujarwanto.
Meanwhile, Head of BPMTPK, Subijanto said that the cooperation between the institutions he leads with Unesa is not only this time, but has also been done before. "We've been working together for a long time. When the development of video-based educational media specifically for PLB began in 2005," explained Subijanto.
With the signing of the MoU, he hopes to have an impact on improving quality, giving birth to many innovations and the development of new concepts both for BPMTPK and for Unesa. "BPMTPK as a development agency is a research center that has involved several colleagues from Unesa, such as in the department of Education Technology, Extraordinary Education, PG PAUD and several other programs in FIP, therefore we are optimistic that this cooperation will have a good impact in the future," he said.
Subijanto also felt interested and enthusiastic when invited to visit Kece TV Unesa studio and was introduced to young human resources. He hopes to collaborate in the creation of various programs in the future. "Ideas can be synergized related to programs or events that we can build together," added Subijanto. (Suryo/Public Relations Unesa)
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