Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-There are many ways you can do to find Indonesian talents in the fields of podcasts, photography, presenters and content creators. One of them can be through KCT (Kece Cari Talenta) and K-FEST as held by Kece Media by UNESA at the 11th Floor Auditorium, Lidah Wetan Campus Rectorate Building, Surabaya on Thursday, 21 July 2022.
KCT is a competition to find talented talents in the fields of podcasts, photography and presenters. Meanwhile, K-FEST is a series of webinar series and national seminars as a learning platform to find out more about public speaking, content creators, podcasters and journalists. The two events were held to celebrate Kece Media's 2nd Anniversary and UNESA's 58th Anniversary.
The competition, which was participated by students and the general public, was held in a number of stages; qualification on 7 July 2022, quarantine on 20 July 2022 and finally reaching the grand final to determine the winner yesterday (21 July 2022).
The judging started from the student category presenter competition, where each finalist who was a student from various schools gave their best performance. In the first place, Ratri Anisa Saputri from SMAN 1 Sidoarjo brought news about the DTIK ART 2022 performance, followed by Sharim Dezhneva Denalis from SMA Negeri 1 Gresik with the news of Soft Launching of Samsat Corner, Lidah Wetan Campus.

Then Nabila Salsa Billa from SMAN 1 Srengat with news of the Healthy Snack Center Mak Rum Jackfruit Fruit Chips, followed by Renzo Buala Harefa from Surabaya with news about Fashionesa by the UNESA Fashion Design designer, then ended by Nadifa Safa from SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Waru with the news of the Parsesa Travesti Exhibition.
The judging of the presenter competition branch was then continued in the general category with the technical judging as before. In the first place, Sinta Dwi Maghfiroh from STKIP PGRI Jombang appeared regarding the Village RPL Coordination Meeting, followed by Bagas Ardhiansyah from the University of Jember with news related to the visit of the Minister of Youth and Sports to welcome DBON.
Then there was Erniken Siska Anggun from UNESA reading the news of the Higher Education Transportation Webinar 4.0, Anggria Ratri Nugrah V, the general participant with news related to the signing of the Goes to Japan Program MoU, and finally continued by Aznizan Zadliza Rahmah from the State University of Surabaya with the news of the Studium Generale Pancasila Ideology.
After judging the presenter competition for student and general categories, the Grand Final of KCT 2022 was followed by judging in the podcast competition branch. Almost the same as the technical judging of presenters, the finalists bring 1 theme on stage by voting for the podcast theme to be read.
The finalists of the podcast competition then began to come forward one by one and bring podcasts in their own unique style. It started with the finalist for the student category with the order of appearing first, namely Ammara Nayra Jahan Piay from SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Waru with the podcast theme "School Online".
Next, Gizelia Tiara Putri from SMP K Immanuel Pontianak with the podcast theme "Is Online Or Offline School Better?", followed by Qanita Alya Diandra Blasty from SMAN 1 Giri Taruna Bangsa Banyuwangi with the theme "What do you want to be later?", then from SMAN 1 Gedeg namely Josephine Euodia Sintikhe with the theme “What I Imagine Going to College Later”, and finally Luh Ade Junilla Amanda from SMA Labschool Unesa 1 with the podcast theme “Pressure from Peers”.
The final judging was from the podcast finalists in the general category, the appearance of the podcast finalists in the general category was opened by Rindra Afrizqi Anugrah S. from the State University of Malang with the podcast theme "MBKM Unesa". Then followed by the appearance of Argenia Skolastika Liem from the State University of Surabaya with the theme "Unesa Faculty and Study Program", then Nadia Amalia Hidayat from UIN Sunan Kalijaga with the theme "Unesa Achievement".
Then there is Vynetta Felieza Aleefa from Surabaya State University with the theme "Unesa's Uniqueness", and finally Salma Maylinda Putri A. from Surabaya State University with the theme "Myths in Unesa". All finalists from various competitions and categories have gone through the judging process with a great and maximum, but their struggle has not stopped here. After such a tiring struggle, these finalists had to be patient and strengthen their prayers to welcome the announcement of the winner at the peak of the 2022 KCT award.
UNESA Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nurhasan, M.Kes., on that occasion said that the competition is part of a way to prepare young people to be skilled and creative in taking advantage of the opportunities that exist. Competition is a momentum to train yourself and measure your abilities. “So make the best use of this activity, find your identity and give your best for an achievement. Only people who are able to adapt, innovate and collaborate can be successful these days,” said Cak Hasan encouraging the participants. [UNESA PR]
Author: Muhammad Azhar Adi Mas'ud
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo : Unesa Public Relations Reporter Documentation
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