Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA–Art, Drama, Dance and Music Education Undergraduate Study Program (Sendratasik), Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a Workshop on Providing Motivation for Masters Lecturers Regarding Advanced Studies at the T2 FBS Auditorium, on Tuesday, November 21 2023.
This workshop presented a doctor in the field of arts at Sandur, namely Dr. Arif Hidajad, S.Sn., M.Pd. On this occasion, he talked about the experience of writing a thesis and producing a dissertation entitled 'Transformation of Sandur Bojonegoro Arts as the Actualization of Cultural Education: Hegemony and Acculturation Perspectives'.
This Yogyakarta-born lecturer explained the contents of his dissertation starting from the background of why he proposed Sandur as a research object, how to collect data, and the conclusion of his research.
Furthermore, he explained the process of how problem identification was carried out, the scope of the problem, problem formulation, research objectives, research methods used applied. He also gave tips on preparing the final project, whether it be a thesis, thesis or dissertation.
Sendratasik Education Undergraduate Study Program Coordinator, Dr. Setyo Yanuartuti, M.Si., in his speech said, this workshop was held to provide motivation to lecturers to be enthusiastic about continuing their studies. Therefore, they invited all study program coordinators at FBS, both S-1, S-2, and S-3, to spread the 'viruses' of further studies to fellow lecturers who still hold master's degrees.
“Aside from the lecturers, "We also invite undergraduate students so that they can guess what they will do when they decide to continue their studies," he said.
Dean of FBS, Syafi'ul Anam, Ph.D., on that occasion said, events like this would be better if other study programs also did it, so far only a few study programs. Currently, around 40% of FBS lecturers have doctoral degrees.
He appreciates this activity which also provides a forum for doctors to present their dissertations to the general public, especially as the study program is the one who initiated this.

“We hope that this activity will be able to encourage lecturers' interest in continuing "S-3 and for those who are currently pursuing it, they should immediately complete their studies and obtain a doctorate degree," he said.
Indra Agung Pratama, one of the students who took part in the workshop moderated by Dr. Indar Sabri, S.Sn., M.Pd., said that after hearing the resource person's experience regarding further studies, he had an opinion about what the title of his final assignment would be.[]
Reporter: Fatimah Najmus Shofa/Tarisha Adistia
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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