Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Student students at Surabaya State University (UNESA) took part in election outreach and voter education held in collaboration with the East Java General Election Commission (KPU) with UNESA in the i8 Building Auditorium, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH), Ketintang Campus, on Tuesday, December 5 2023.
This activity was carried out in order to increase the participation of beginner and young voters in the 2024 elections. Gogot Cahyo Baskoro, member of the East Java KPU said that there were three objectives of These activities have cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives.
The cognitive objective, he continued, is when young voters become aware of elections and their procedures. Meanwhile, the affective goal (attitude) is when students go from being indifferent to agreeing and taking part in the election.
"Meanwhile, the psychomotor goal is when voters can come to the polling stations to vote to determine the figure who is fit to lead the nation "This is the future," said Gogot Cahyo Baskoro.
The agenda entitled 'East Java KPU Goes to Campus' was packaged with watching the film 'Kejarlah Janji' together. The film contains messages about peaceful elections which are expected to be a reference or guide for young people in making the democratic party a success.
This socialization also presents resource persons such as M. Danu Winata M.Si., lecturer in Communication Sciences (Ikom)UNESA and Fauzan Abdilah Founder and CEO of PT Figuratif Swarna Media.
Ikom lecturer, Danu said that voter outreach and education is very important to increase the participation rate of young people, both those who have already voted and voters. beginner.

According to him, apart from roadshows to campuses, socialization also needs to be intensified by utilizing social media platforms which are very attached to young people, especially generation Z and millennials.
"Generation Z emphasizes everything they hope for in simple terms. How their soft skills and hard skills will be realized. "If it is not supported by knowledge and critical thinking, we can make Indonesia Golden 2025," said Danu.
Meanwhile, Fauzan invited students to take an important role in the momentum that will determine the nation's future journey. Children young people, must not close their eyes, but instead take part in ensuring the wheels of government move forward.
"We have to vote, we have to be honest, the words from this film will then reach the audience. "In other words, there is an invitation for us to exercise our rights as citizens in determining future leaders of the nation," he said.
In his speech, the Dean of FISH Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd., encouraged students to become an agent of change for society. One thing that can be done is to become an ambassador who makes people aware so that they are not easily taken in by hoaxes or are not provoked into behavior that divides the nation.
"The task of educated people is how to make people aware of how to choose while making the momentum of the democratic party a forum for unity. "Even though we have different choices, we are still one for Indonesia to progress," he said. []
Reporter: Ruruh Susilowati
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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