Written test and interview test New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) of the Surabaya State University (Unesa) independent pathway were held on 24 and 26 July 2019. About 6700 participants crowded two Unesa campus locations both Ketintang and Lidah Wetan. The written test for Regular Bachelor applicants starts at 7 in the morning until 12 noon while the interview test starts at 8 in the morning on Thursday and Friday. As for the written test and the Applied Bachelor interview test it was held on Friday July 26 2019.
The SPMB independent track this year looks different because there is a special track for sports religious and disability achievements. The boarding school pathway is also in demand by participants with more than 100 registrants. Whereas for the path of disability achievement there are 14 registrants where they choose study programs including Music Art Food and Special Education. One participant named Ni Luh Yulia Dewi who came from Banyuwangi SMALB attended the test accompanied by her accompanying teacher. Vice Chancellor for Academic Unesa Prof. Dr. Bambang Yulianto asserted that the test takers could find out the announcement of the results of whether or not to pass on Monday 29 July 2019. For applicants who have not passed yet had the opportunity to register in the applied SPMB Undergraduate wave 2 starting from 30 July to 2 August 2019. Ten study programs that provide registration of Bachelor pathways Applied namely the State Administration study program Graphic Design Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Transportation Information Management Food Fashion and Sports Coaching Education. For more information click on info at www.pmbsipenmaru.unesa.ac.id . (vin / why)
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