Socialization of the MBKM Research/Research program at Surabaya State University SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) is once again holding socialization on the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) program. This eighth series relates to research that will be held online on Monday, July 8 2024.
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, S.Si., M.Si., Head of the Work Practice Internship and Independent Study Section, explained One of the graduate learning outcomes (CPL) of UNESA students in the Merdeka curriculum is research.
CPL itself includes 9 activities that students must carry out and is mandatory for 1 year or 2 semesters. CPL itself is also a form of learning activity (BKP) for students outside campus, each of which is converted into 20 credits each semester.
The aim of this study and research is to improve the quality of student research and provide them with experience as research assistants or researchers in research activities, so as to strengthen the talent pool of researchers based on certain topics and research schemes.
Regarding research at UNESA, there are three schemes that students can take part in, including Ministry or research institute research, Independent research schemes carried out by UNESA lecturers and outside UNESA, as well as other schemes such as the Student Creativity Program funded by Belmawa.< /p>
First scheme research, or research conducted by the Ministry or other research institutions. Meanwhile, Mandiri research scheme research is organized by universities or study programs, with the recruitment and implementation process carried out internally.
"The first scheme can be done by participating in the MBKM program from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in the odd semester 2024/2025," he explained.
Then for the third scheme, one example is PKM research in 8 fields funded by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa). Even though it is already underway or even being implemented, this activity can be converted to MBKM BKP, but must take part in learning hours until December 2024.
Dwi Anggorowati also added that students who receive this research or research activity program are required to fulfill outputs such as a final report , scientific articles, prototypes, etc.
"The form of activity in MBKM research is not just studying the concept of a theory," he said.
One form of MBKM activity is a course or workshop on how to do research well. Then there is a workshop on writing quality scientific publications through several meetings with UNESA supervisors.
This research activity, just like other BKP MBKM, will start on 12 August 2024 until early January 2025. To convert this activity, there is special requirements that must be met by students.
Students must have a certificate or similar from the partner research institution. Then it is proposed that the research does not belong to another party, and has completed the obligation to make a research activity report accompanied by several documents.
"If these requirements are met, the maximum number of credits obtained will reach 20 credits," he emphasized.
With this research and research program, UNESA hopes to motivate students to be actively involved in quality research activities, develop their abilities as researchers, and contribute to the development of science. [*]
Reporter: Mohammad Dian Purnama (FMIPA), and Fionna Ayu Shabrina (FMIPA)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA Public Relations Team
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