Unesa.ac.id., SURABAYA—Sustainable development needs to be encouraged for life in the future, including in the field of physics. That was one that was discussed at the 2023 National Physics Seminar (SNF) by the Physics and Physics Education Study Program, FMIPA, UNESA in a hybrid manner on Saturday, August 26 2023.
The head of the committee, Dr. Rohim Aminullah Firdaus., S.Pd., M.Pd., explained that SNF is an annual activity which this time carries the theme "Integration of Free Learning in Society 5.0 Era Through Physics Innovation and Physics Education Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030".
"Participants in the activity are domestic and foreign. The outcome is online proceedings, there are national journals and we also publish them in Scopus indexed journals. This year there were 106 abstracts and 81 full paper articles that were submitted to the committee. From the numbers Therefore, 50 articles will be published in JPCS and 31 articles in online proceedings," he explained.
As the speaker, Prof. Nadi Suprapto, Ph.D., professor of physics at UNESA, revealed that from the results of his research there were several students who did not have an adequate understanding of the SDGs and the field of physics. In many cases, ignorance can hinder the potential use of physics as a tool to address global challenges recognized by the SDGs.
“Research in physics is urgently needed, moreover this is used to equip students in dealing with environmental issues to Life Long Education which is in line with the fourth SDGs," he explained.
He continued, the implementation of physics in the field can be done in various ways, such as experiments in lectures that can use recycling programs or environmental projects that can develop problem-solving skills. and sustainable decisions.
Other speakers, Prof. Dr. Parmin, M.Pd., professor of physics at Semarang State University said that physics is very influential in sustainable development through education. Physics not only provides a deeper understanding of the foundations of the universe, but also paves the way for innovation and technology that can answer global challenges.
Physical research can also be linked to everyday life, helping students see how the concepts of physics are applied in everyday technology. Physics must also be of good quality," he said.
According to him, the dominant research topic in international journals tends to focus on strengthening critical thinking skills which reflects the importance of fostering analytical and evaluative skills in various physics problems.
On the other hand, on a national scale, multimedia topics form the majority of the discussion given the importance of using this technology in the learning process.
In the same session, Prof. Ir. Drs. Adi Susilo, M.Sc., Ph.D., professor of geophysics at the University of Brawijaya explained the importance of the field of geophysics in relation to a number of aspects that have a significant impact, especially in the context of the development of natural tourism in Indonesia.
Through knowledge geophysics, researchers will provide an understanding of geology, seismology, volcanology, and various other aspects related to the earth. Through research it has important value in managing natural resources, mitigating natural disasters, and sustaining natural tourism.
"Understanding the geological characteristics of an area, for example, can help identify natural potential and tourist attractions that can be explored for support the development and sustainability of natural tourism in Indonesia," he said. Dr. Wasis, M.Sc., and his staff; Coordinator of S-1 Physics Study Program Prof. Dr. Munasir, S.Sc., M.Sc., Chairperson of the Physical Society of Indonesia (PSI) Surabaya Prof. Dr. Suryani Dyah Astuti, M.Sc. They each gave a speech. Also present were lecturers, students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. (*)
Author: Mohammad Dian Purnama
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Documentation of Public Relations Team
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