Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA-The achievements of the State University of Surabaya in Simkatmawa in the university category are quite encouraging. The jump is significant. From the 18th national ranking in the previous year and rising to the sixth national position and obtaining the superior predicate in 2021. Behind this achievement, there are several things that UNESA has done.
Yetty Septiani Mustar, S.KM., MPH., from the Student Affairs and Alumni Division of UNESA stated that behind these achievements there were many strategic programs carried out by UNESA. First, compiling a joint work program in the field of faculty student affairs that refers to the Main Performance Indicators of Dikbud, Research and Technology and the Simkatmawa Indicator. All work programs must be based on these two indicators.
Budget planning both at the university and faculty level, ormawa at the University, Faculties, and Departments or Study Programs and Student Activity Units leads to these indicators. Second, coordinating and collaborating with all deputy deans for mawal and wadir of one vocational program to jointly look at the IKU and SIMKATMAWA to be formulated in work programs, performance targets, and drafting work contracts with three vice-departments and one vice-president of a vocational program.
Third, monitoring and evaluating the achievements of the mawal field through the Unesa Student Reporting System (SIMPELMAWA) periodically. Fourth, monitoring and evaluating the achievements of the Student Activity Unit. Fifth, compile documents for student and alumni governance in the form of guidelines and SOPs, and sixth, provide rewards for students who excel.
He added that the ranking of the student affairs field is not only based on student achievements, but also takes a complete picture of UNESA's Mawal governance. The achievements assessed by Belmawa in this ranking are the achievements obtained by students, whether organized by Belmawa, Pupresnas, or other ministries or agencies.
As a basis for ranking assessments, in 2020, the mawal field reported 1,166 independent achievements and 232 achievements of belmawa as participants, finalists, hopeful champions, favorite champions, and champions in the fields of sports and arts, reasoning and science, talents and interests, to spirituality.
The indicators for the 2021 SIMKATMAWA assessment are the activities carried out by the Unesa mawal field in 2020, namely:
- Institutional management includes MBKM student institutions, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, financing, and awards for outstanding students.
- Non-curricular and non-competitive MBKM activities include student exchanges, internships, teaching in schools, student research, humanitarian projects, village projects, student entrepreneurship, independent studies or projects, non-competition recognition, and state defense activities.
- Achievement of independent student activities organized independently by institutions or institutes other than the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, the Directorate General of Higher Education at the provincial, regional, national and international levels.
- Achievement of student activities organized by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, the Directorate General of Higher Education and the national achievement center
In the future, UNESA's third field will continue to do its best and produce innovations to maintain this ranking, and even target to be in the top five nationally. "Although this is difficult, but with solid cooperation and collaboration with the entire Unesa academic community accompanied by efforts and prayers, God willing, difficult things will be made easy," he said.
What to do going forward? “We want to increase the achievements and reputation of this mawal field along with the improvement of students' character and mentality. Don't let UNESA students excel. However, it does not have a strong national character and mentality because that character and character is above achievement and reputation," he explained. #UNESABISA #UNESAsatuLangkahdi Front. [UNESA PR]
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