Signature of cooperation between UNESA and PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP), SURABAYA—Surabaya State University (UNESA) is again innovating by holding a collaborative event between the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves) with PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) on Wednesday, May 29 2024.
Entitled "IMIP Lecture Series," this event takes place in a hybrid manner at the 11th Floor of the Rectorate Building Auditorium and can be accessed online online via the Kece Media by Unesa YouTube channel.
"Developing Indonesian Talents in the Metal-Mineral Downstream Industry Sector in Indonesia" is the main theme of this event which is a big attraction for students of various study programs who want to enrich insight and seek career opportunities.
From UNESA, attended by the Deputy Chancellor I for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Madlazim, M.Si., and Deputy Chancellor III for Research, Innovation, Ranking, Publications and Science Center, Dr. Bambang Sigit Widodo, M.Pd.
"We really support this collaboration, because it can provide a golden opportunity for students to be directly involved in the metal-mineral downstream industry, and gain valuable knowledge and experience," said Bambang Sigit Widodo.
Apart from that, also present were the deans of UNESA, several directors, related study program coordinators, chairman, deputy chairman and administrators of BEM UNESA, as well as dozens of students who seemed enthusiastic about participating in the series of events from the start until the end.
From PT IMIP, the General Affairs Manager Djoko Suprapto and his team were present who were ready to provide education about nickel downstreaming in Indonesia to UNESA students.
Collaboration to Advance Industry
In his speech, Djoko Suprapto said, "We hope that students can make the best use of this opportunity to develop and participate in the progress of the downstream industry in Indonesia. We believe this collaboration will create positive synergy for all parties."
The event continued with the signing of the MoU between UNESA and PT IMIP as well as the handing over of souvenirs. This moment is an important milestone in strategic cooperation which is expected to provide great benefits for both parties, especially in the development of human resources and industry.
The essence of this event was the presentation of material by the Assistant Deputy for Strategic Investment at the Coordinating Ministry for Marvel RI, Bimo Wijayanto, Ph.D., who discussed Indonesia's Economic Transformation through Downstreaming the Metals and Minerals Industry. Bimo emphasized the importance of downstreaming mineral resources to increase economic added value. "For many years, Indonesia has relied on raw commodities, while the contribution of the manufacturing sector has decreased significantly. "The President of Indonesia is encouraging the implementation of downstream mineral resources and reserves in this country," he said.
Industrial Internship Opportunities
In addition to public lectures, IMIP also carries out scholarship program outreach for UNESA students, program outreach apprenticeship or Independent Campus Certified Internship (MBKM), and socialization of employee recruitment programs for Unesa alumni.
PT IMIP opens up great opportunities for UNESA students from various study programs such as Metallurgical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering , Environmental Engineering, Public Health, Mandarin, Psychology, Accounting, Management, Finance, K3, Education, and others.
Through the IMIP Lecture Series, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries together with PT IMIP strives to strengthen the metal-mineral downstream industry ecosystem in Indonesia, creating quality talents, and preparing the younger generation to contribute to the transformation of the national economy.
With the various programs offered, PT IMIP not only focuses on industrial development, but also on developing qualified human resources to support the national economy. It is hoped that Unesa students can take advantage of this opportunity to develop their careers and make a real contribution to the progress of Indonesia.[]
Reporter: Prismacintya Rachmatika (FBS)
Editor: @zam*Photo: Documentation of the Team of the Directorate of Public Relations and Public Information
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