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Unesa.ac.id Surabaya - Entering the 9th day of Ramadan Dharma Wanita Unesa (DWP) Unesa Center conducts routine activities in the holy month namely tausiyah Ramadan . The activity that took place in the musala of Unesa Lab Junior High was delivered by K.H. Ali Misbahul Munir Tuesday (5/14).
The event which was also an event of hospitality between the female dharma management was attended by Dra. Endah Purnomowati Nurhasan M.Pd. as Chairperson of Unesa DWP Rahayu Sujiyanti Warsono S.E. (Unesa DWP Chairperson in the previous period) Deputy Chairperson of DWP Unesa along with all the administrators.
In the presentation of tausiyah this time Ustaz Ali took the theme of "Fear of the Praised" as angry saddled and sad that there was something classified into the form mahmud (commendable) and madzmum (despicable). So according to Ustaz Ali fear is the same some are praised some are despicable.
Quoting from Dr. Layyinah al-Himshi in his work "Naqis Ghost Aql wa Din & rdquo;" Ustaz Ali said that there are seven fears that every believer should have and contemplate on each believer namely fear of falling into disobedience fear of riya & rsquo; afraid of deviant hearts afraid of su & rsquo; ul khotimah and afraid of yaumil reckoning.
The listeners look so enthusiastic listening to tausiyah. The activity became even more exciting when the ustaz shared gifts between his tausiyahya. Ustaz who used to fill TV 9 program distributed prizes to participants who dared to answer their questions even though the answers from participants were still incorrect.
& ldquo; The answer was wrong but because now the month was full of forgiveness the mistake was wrong. I forgive and still I give gifts & rdquo; said the cleric when there were participants who answered one of the questions and spontaneously one room was colored with laughter. (ina/ay)
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