Unesa.ac.id, SURABAYA—A number of experts discussed various current issues related to the study of language and literature learning at the National Seminar, Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program (PBSI), and Indonesian Literature, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in the Auditorium T14 FBS, Lidah Wetan Campus, on Friday, 20 October 2023.
Deputy Dean for Learning, Research and Community Service, Student and Alumni Affairs, Didik Nurhadi, M.Pd., MA, Ph.D ., advised the students who attended that after the seminar they could make studies and scientific papers on current language and literature issues.
"We want students to be motivated to carry out new research in the field of contemporary literature. Hopefully "This activity can encourage students to produce quality research in the field of language and literature," he said.
In the material session, sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics expert from UINSA, Prof. Dr. phil. Kamal Yusuf, SS, M.Hum., explained about "Linguistic Landscape and Language Teaching". He explained that around the 60-90s there was more linguistic research of a theoretical nature.
In the following period, linguistics developed and collided with other sciences which today is called applied linguistics. One of the linguistic studies that considered new and currently developing is the linguistic landscape.
The linguistic landscape, he continued, is writing or language found in public spaces such as markets, shops, schools, campuses, places of worship, squares, offices and so on .
The linguistic landscape itself combines language, words and images. Examples include street names, agency names displayed, traffic signs, area names at entrance gates or gates, and the like.
"So having writings around humans can help more people understand what is meant by that place," he said.
He further explained that the perspective in linguistic landscape studies encompasses the domains of language policy, sociolinguistics, onomastics, semiotics, economics, education, teaching, advertising, religious studies, and other scientific disciplines with study themes that include multilingualism , globalization, power relations, geopolitics, contestation, and the virtual world.
"The development of linguistic landscape research is still relatively small and the study is still new, so for students who intend to research and submit to international journals the opportunities are wide open ," he explained.

In the second session, UNESA expert, Dr. Tengsoe Tjahjono, M.Pd., discussed Literature in the Digital Era and its Learning. In his material he explains the industrial revolution 1.0 to the industrial revolution 3.0 when the smartphone was created.
The UNESA writer with dozens of literary works explains various types of literature in the digital era, one of which is cyber literature. Cyber literature is more common among teenagers today because it is considered easier to use. Such as Wattpad, webtoon, and other social media.
At the end of the material, the lecturer who received the award as the outstanding Indonesian artist in 2017 gave a message, that literary criticism is not only about aesthetics. But it's about how we can think critically and how to respond to the surrounding environment.
"Because producing literary works begins with an object," he said. This activity was attended by students and lecturers from FBS. (*)
Reporter Team: Nala Maziya Fitriyah/Saputra
Editor: @zam Alasiah*
Photo: Public Relations Team Documentation
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