Lemhannas RI maritime observer Dr. Capt. Marcellus Jayawibawa, S.SiT, M.Mar (left); and Dean of FIP, Prof. Dr. Moch Nursalim, M.Si (middle) , with moderators (right) in the National Seminar material delivery session.
Unesa. AC ID. SURABAYA–Faculty of Education (FIP) Surabaya State University (UNESA) held a hybrid National Seminar in the Auditorium on the 11th floor of the Lidah Wetan Campus 2 Rectorate, on Saturday, June 8 2024.
This seminar is the conclusion of a series of agendas The Free Learning Education Month was initiated by FIP UNESA 2024 and also commemorates the Birth of Pancasila (June 1).
This activity carries the theme "National Youth Movement as a Driver of Digital Transformation to Strengthen National Commitment: Challenges, Opportunities and Reconstruction of Education in the Industrial Revolution 5.0".
Three speakers attended this activity namely Dr. Capt. Marcellus Jayawibawa, S.SiT, M.Mar, maritime observer from the Indonesian National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas); Defriyani Yuda Putri, S.T., M.Si, observer of the implementation of Pancasila values in the world of education; and Prof. Dr. Moch Nursalim, M.Si, expert and dean of FIP UNESA,
In the first session, Marcellus spoke about the role of digital era youth in strengthening national commitment. According to him, the role of youth cannot be separated from the direction and pace of the Indonesian nation in the future. The younger generation must be able to increase added value to the Indonesian economy which has enormous potential, including in the maritime sector.
The potential for Indonesia's maritime economy is approximately IDR 1,500 trillion per year, of which only around IDR 150 trillion or around 100 trillion have been used. percent per year, and even then only in the form of pure natural resources.
"It's like freshly caught fish being sold straight away. In fact, academics should be able to study that it's not just fish that can be sold, but it could be various other processed fish products. However, how do you do it? Well, this is the role of children - young people to maximize it," he said.
Indonesia's future education mission, for example through the Ministry of Education and Culture, is to maximize the role of youth through efforts to increase access, relevance and quality of higher education to produce quality human resources.
Lemhannas RI maritime observer, Dr. Capt. Marcellus Jayawibawa, S.SiT, M.Mar; and Dean of FIP, Prof. Dr. Moch Nursalim, M.Si. , showing the cooperation documents after the MoU was witnessed by officials, study program coordinators and lecturers within FIP.
The effort targeting that by 2030, Indonesia's economy will be ranked 7th in the world, and by 2050 it could be ranked 4th in the world. To get there, of course there are several challenges that must be addressed, namely human resources, competitiveness and innovation that need to be improved.
"I say, in 2045 Indonesia's backbone for economic problems will definitely come from the blue economy, the maritime economy. Because only a third of our land area has been exploited, but the sea area has not been maximized. "We need to remember that the main determinant of Golden Indonesia 2045 is digital transformation," he stressed.
In the second session, Defriyani Yuda Putri provided reinforcement regarding the application of Pancasila values in everyday life. He emphasized that the young people of Indonesia must become agents of digital transformation who are able to understand the values of Pancasila, apply attitudes according to Pancasila values.
Attitudes based on Pancasila values can be applied starting from the family, community and campus environment for the community. Attitudes, such as mutual respect, tolerance, protecting the environment, being kind to parents, neighbors and friends or relatives.
Apart from that, also maintaining good relationships with others, being involved in positive social activities, being involved in a common agenda for the sake of the nation and state. "In the context of digital transformation, young people need to have soft skills and hard skills which are based on the spirit and values of Pancasila," he concluded.
In the third session, the Dean of FIP, Prof. Nursalim, explained about digital transformation, starting with showing examples of changes in human behavior due to technology. However, on the other hand, technology actually helps humans in their work.
"What is done on the internet always leaves digital traces and is related to data security or privacy. Apart from that there are many other challenges, including internet ethics. I think young people can take advantage of the internet and the digital world to increase productivity, innovation and contribution," he said.
Dr. Syunu Trihantoyo, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the chief organizer of the 2024 Education Month explained that this activity was not just a national seminar, but also a reporting activity for the entire series of the 2024 education month.
This activity ended with the signing of a collaboration between the Dean of FIP UNESA and Dr. capt. Marcellus Jayawibawa S.SiT, M.Mar continued with the submission of student degree documents to all FIP study program coordinators.
Next, the winner of the work title was handed over where 1st place was won by the PG-PAUD S1 Study Program, 2nd place was won by S1 Education Management and 3rd place was won by PGSD.[]
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Reporter: Mochammad Ja'far Sodiq (FIP)
Editor: @zam*
Photo: UNESA PR Team
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